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well fan for life

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Posts posted by well fan for life

  1. Louis Moult scoring twice in the League Cup semi is probably my all time favourite Hampden moment(s).

    However, as much as Hampden gets a hard time for atmosphere, I have never in my life seen a stadium collectively lose it as much as I have when Griffiths' second free kick hit the back of the net against England. Carnage all round. If we'd hung on it would have been a full on pitch invasion I reckon.

    Stuart f**cking Armstrong. 

  2. 1 minute ago, crazylegsjoe_mfc said:

    This is very true nowadays. I think we have to pad out the squad to a certain extent and the fringe players who get a bad press are more likely to be the ones we've had to use. If Shields had been a backup centre forward, rather than a first choice right winger, then we'd probably not be as frustrated by him. Robbie Crawford wouldn't have got as bad a press if we didn't have to play him every week for half a season. On the other hand, you don't ever hear anyone talk about Justin Amaluzor, because he came in and got the odd cameo off the bench and was able to remain a fringe player.

    That said, I do still long for the days under McCall etc where we had 14 or so first team players and padded the squad out with youth. He did get exceptionally lucky with injuries right enough.

    Aye. The fact we'd painted ourselves into the corner of having to have Crawford, Mugabi, Johansen, Lamie, McGinley etc all in the starting XI week in, week out is probably why they all tend to catch a lot of heat. All of them are *maybe* good enough to patch a gap on occasion (I'm being kind here) but having them all in the team is relegation material. 

  3. 1 hour ago, welldaft said:

    Not if you know what you are doing.

    My use of the word speculative has created a wee reaction for whatever reason 🤷‍♂️. Maybe I should have used the word risky instead. Jesus I wish I had ! 

    Virtually every player we sign is speculative. It may be based on lots of knowledge, but with the money we can afford to pay every signing carries a risk as to whether they perform for Motherwell or not. 

    At the moment it looks like a rather big mistake. 

    I think this is absolutely fair. Every signing we ever make is a bit of a gamble. It just seems fucking mental that this gamble took months to do while we had nobody at the club who knew how to defend.

    I would love to see him come good but I just can't see it happening. He's an attacking midfielder who is nowhere near the level of Spittal (who would have been a shoo-in for our POTY until that fucking weirdo Twitter account triggered KVV into becoming the best player in the country).

  4. 33 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

    We are apparently about to sign Liam Donnelly. What's he like? I know nothing about him which can only be a bad sign and what I have read from your fans hasn't exactly been glowing in praise.

    Got injured and became a shitebag. Probably more suited to a centre back but appears to have carved out his own niche in midfield. A great signing if you're looking for a guy to do absolutely f**k all in the middle of the park. Specialises in watching folk run off him to score. 

  5. 30 minutes ago, capt_oats said:

    We're always having a moan about players getting hoovered up by those types of clubs before they've kicked a baw for our first team so the fact that he's still here and looks like an absolute unit who might be quite good means it'd be nice if we actually made a go of getting him into the first team.


    And, crucially, he's not Ricki Lamie or Bevis Mugabi. Which is important for me at least. 

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