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well fan for life

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Posts posted by well fan for life

  1. 13 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:

    News tonight reporting that McGills are looking into taking over the Glasgow night bus routes.

    Would this not mean they'd need to make extra routes though. There aren't any McGill buses go past my house in normal hours. 

    I mean it would be nice if they did. 

  2. 2 hours ago, KnightswoodBear said:

    I feel rather sheepish that I've only just realized that....

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    the lightroots are all directly below shrines on the surface. 


    No shame. There's stuff in BOTW I see folk discover that I had no idea existed and I stuck about 200 hours into that. 

  3. 1 hour ago, DeadStar said:

    Fully onboard the Souare hype train. 

    I did think to myself he's ancient but then seen his date of birth on his highlights video and realised he's younger than me. Think my days of pulling on the claret and amber are gone.

    Sobering when you hear commentary going on about how someone is a freak of nature, defying age to play the game. 

    Then you look them up and realise they're the same age as you.

  4. Just now, Leith Green said:


    Interesting one about the black cabs - we were in Glasgow with friends recently and were all going to Finnieston. It was lunchtime so plenty of taxis outside Queen St Station..........but as you guys say, all cash only !

    3 out of the 4 couples had no cash, which wast a biggie as the drivers just pulled up outside a bank to let us take out money - but it is a bit of a PITA especially when (post Covid) almost everywhere takes cards, indeed a fair few places are card only.

    My old man ran a taxi business many years ago, so I appreciate the (ahem) tax advantages of cash - but for every cab on the rank to be cash only was hilarious and unheard of !!

    A few months ago I was getting a taxi from the Merchant City and there were 2 guys at the front of the queue trying to get a taxi to East Kilbride. We must have been about 8 or 9 folk back in the queue and wound up in a taxi before them. You'd have thought they were asking for a lift to the moon going by some of the reaction of the drivers when we got to the front. 

  5. Just now, Leith Green said:

    They seem to say there is a low uptake and its lossmaking - which may be true.

    But I wonder how people who are out late / early morning get back to more outlying areas? Are there enough taxis/ubers in Glasgow?

    I grew up on the outskirts of Edinburgh, and (many moons ago !) remember walking for miles as there were no taxis - the night bus back then was a lifesaver for many.

    Cant see this getting a positive reaction from groups advocating for safety of women at night....................

    There are absolutely not enough taxis/ubers in Glasgow for this. And the ones that are available charge you through the nose. I got charged near enough £20 for a taxi journey that's about 12 minutes a while ago. And then you have the black hacks that you see knocking people back because they're either not willing to drive somewhere or they're "cash only" despite having stickers slapped on the outside that say they take card. 

    The night bus going is just another shitshow from the city with the most disjointed & unreliable public transport you've ever seen. 

  6. 16 hours ago, DrewDon said:

    Well, I was half-right. Scott still seems like a decent bloke. Catherine is an absolute clown of a girl - what a downfall. 

    Scott finally cracking last night was class. Hope he wins the whole show himself and gives a speech like The Golden Cleric.

  7. The whole Max Johnston thing is a series of stupid decisions. We chucked him in during the injury/covid/suspension shit under Alexander. He then got the media stuff and we seemed to have him marked as a very promising talent. To then ship him on loan because Alexander's a fucking idiot and fell out with everyone, in the last year of his contract and nothing about it is even questioned is fucking bananas. And that's before you consider that the newly appointed manager was THE FUCKING HEAD OF THE ACADEMY.

    Honestly lads. We couldn't run a hot bath.

  8. I've got a hangover so I'm in a huff and looking at that squad list we put out yesterday isn't exactly filling me with any joy. 

    • 6 centre backs. The best of which is broken for at least the start of the season, Lamie & Mugabi played regularly in a team that was in complete freefall and looked nailed on for relegation. McGinn is fine, Blaney is a big brave boy but is still relatively unproven and Sam Campbell is definitely unproven. 
    • One left back who is currently coming back from a mystery injury that kept him out for 18 months. This is a concern in itself but even more concerning is that prior to this mystery injury he was complete dugmeat at football. 
    • It's looking like we're stuck with Maguire in midfield again who we know is nowhere near the level needed. 


  9. 4 hours ago, capt_oats said:

    There were heaps of folk wearing these cutting about Primavera last year and I felt very left out.

    On the subject of Danny Johnson: 

    I feel like I'm a relatively level headed guy but, let me tell you, when folk were applauding him at Dundee away in January 2020 my head rolled clean off my shoulders.


  10. 3 hours ago, VanBasten said:

    Armstrong gave the ball away but Gordon stood on his line like a dumbbell while Kane volleyed home at waist height from about three yards out. Gordon was also responsible for the first goal; a shot straight at him which slipped through his hands.

    The equaliser is so infuriating because there's 3 or 4 different glaring errors.

    Armstrong should have booted that ball into Rutherglen instead of trying a through ball.

    Nobody even goes near trying to stop the cross coming in.

    The entire defence is sleeping and nobody is even remotely marking Kane.

    Gordon's nailed to his goal line.

    Still annoyed tbh.

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