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well fan for life

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Posts posted by well fan for life

  1. 2 hours ago, thisGRAEME said:

    But cmon to f**k like, we're getting bodied weekly, crying out for some players that sleep in a bed of muck and nettles and eat glass bottles and Stevie Hammell is having zoom calls with a laddie who, apparently, doesn't speak English. What's the thought process here?!

    Honestly wouldn't be surprised if Hammell had an iPad set up at the dinner table on Christmas Day with Danzaki (and Tomo, of course). 

    Spent all that time chasing Danzaki, forgetting time was still moving and having to have a classic deadline day rush.

  2. 18 minutes ago, Handsome_Devil said:

    I do wonder in general if modern tactics hurt full-backs at our level...they're expected to be good on the ball and attack while some managers expect them to defend the flanks almost alone at times due to the obsession with crowding the centre.


    Tbh I think our previous manager(s) tactics hung our fullbacks out to dry. SOD has always very much been a fullback/wingback who is at his best when he's allowed to storm up and down the pitch. Alexander had him literally told not to stop crosses or go over the half way line. You could see him sticking the anchors on as soon as he got there. 

    As for left back we've had Carroll (an idiot who is broken) and McGinley (an intellectual who is broken). Penney looked alright for a while before he decided he fucking hated it and the change of literally everything probably helped Furlong & Johnston out big time. 

  3. On 09/06/2023 at 14:27, Biscuits said:

    Tour de France: Unchained.

    Wow.  What a fantastic series.  Takes you inside the pain, planning, triumph and agony of one of the biggest sporting events on the planet.  These guys are seriously superhuman.

    If you’re into the tour or even if you’re not this is thoroughly recommended.


    PS - I’m STILL gutted about Lance. 

    Really, really enjoyed it but there's a bit of revisionism if you follow the sport. Alaphillipe ruled himself out the Tour weeks before hand so the real selection debate here was whether they took Phillipsen (obviously a big story after returning from that horrific Tour of Poland crash) or whether they bring Cavendish who is the greatest sprinter of all time. 

    Also leaving this on the cutting room floor is borderline unforgivable. It's one of the most sporting moments I can remember in my years of watching cycling:

    However I will Stan for Wout van Aert forever. The guy races with the most panache of anyone in the sport. 

    Highlight of the entire show was probably seeing the rest of the squads react to this completely ridiculous bit of descending from Pidcock:


  4. 15 minutes ago, Swello said:

    Was laughing at the December/January one - the slimmest of pickings.

    I think a Shite of the Season series where you tweet out all the stuff that made us all grumpy b*****ds would be excellent content. They could have template where one of the 4 pics just said "fucked it against 10 men" or "Sol done for pace at the winning goal".

    I like that Kettlewell just appeared in January/February and simply nothing happened to get us to that point. 


  5. On 08/06/2023 at 21:08, welshbairn said:

    Just back from Denmark for a few days, whole place is spotless, not just the touristy or posh bits, even flying over farm yards there were no car wrecks or rusting tractors. Almost felt guilty for flicking my fag butts out of the 15th floor hotel window, but I had to get rid of the evidence..

    Was coming on to say similar. Was over there for a few days last year and the entire place is bloody immaculate. The metro in Copenhagen is spotless, the parks are all clean & tidy and the streets rarely have any rubbish floating around. 

    It rips my knitting when I walk through Glasgow Green after a hot day because the whole park is a fucking shit hole. People leaving their rubbish at their arse, scorching patches of the grass with their shitty disposable barbecues and not picking up their dog's shite. Have a bit of pride in your surroundings ffs. 

  6. 8 minutes ago, welldaft said:

    Harsh maybe. But I am mainly going on my thoughts as to his performances when he played for us. This is a million miles away from being a Josh Morris or even Connor Shields situation. I was not hoping he left, but now that it looks like he will I am not overly upset. If anything it gives us more leeway to bring in another player. 

    As I said I wish him all the best, but whilst I hope we could retain the likes of Casey and Furlong I also hope quite a few in contract players move on as we need to try and get better replacements for those already in the building. A club our size and with our resources that is quite the challenge of course. 

    Aye. At the end of the day a hod carrying midfielder is going to be much easier to replace than a 30 goal a season big, weird Dutchman. 

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