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Everything posted by FairWeatherFan

  1. That's one instance. Where a guy said something to his face. Had the opportunity to respond. Fit into the idea of two guys feuding so went over most people's heads. It was nothing. In the year since he challenged Hangman on live tv, disrupting the show knowing Hangman couldn't respond. All Out press conference. ESPN interview. Post-Collision promo. It also came from a place of concern over Colt Cabana being punted into uncertainty and job insecurity. Which might not have been Punk, but looks to have been Tony Khan doing some preventative work to keep Punk happy. Since here we are now with Punk on Collision Island using his influence to ban people from the show.
  2. All Out is like a flashback to last summer's TV when ROH was being sprinkled in everywhere to try and get it a TV deal. Even with Mox v. OC and Omega v. Takeshita it feels like a Fyter Fest type special.
  3. Here's the thing with that. It was a big thing at that time. It happened the week after Forbidden Door when they did the back to back nights of Dynamite & Collision. Which was the only reason HOOK and Perry were available. It became an issue after the news broke of Punk banning people from Collision and there was a pile on of everyone's petty grievances in the sheets. Just like Nemeth's confrontation at the Chicago Dynamite. People had been stewing on things for months and it got to a boiling point. Which is why it's probably best to cut ties for everyone's sake. As I don't see it changing.
  4. In the main I agree, and was surprised to hear they never put anything on. I don't think either example quite fits the situation though. This wasn't one signing (and their entourage) or a co-ordinated effort like returning from a pre-season tour or going on tour like WWE. It was 100s of talent and staff arriving across 4 days, some of whom were travelling with others not working the event (family/partners/friends/agents) all independently of each other.
  5. It's really for the best. It's been a year plus of this now. Domestic business is at a real low. Struggling to see attendances over 3,000. The CM Punk show on Collision hasn't been a draw and it appears to be detrimental as anti-Punk people have bodyswerved it. Moxley would fly a 1000 miles in economy for the chance to bleed all over a local armory at the weekend. Yet hasn't made a single appearance. This was someone that did everything he could to drag Rampage out of the gutter ratings it fell in.
  6. What's said to have happened is Punk comes back from his match. Miro asks him what happened with him & Jack Perry. Chip on both shoulders, Punk takes this as someone against him. Asks if they have a problem and if they should step outside. Which is rather melodramatic but is now the 2nd time that phrasing has been used after the confrontation Punk had with Ryan Nemeth.
  7. I think it might just be stateside. Both are HBO productions who have the deal here with Sky. In the states they've started to put some of their back catalogue on to Netflix as they control the rights.
  8. Unexpected highlight was the sea of scissors.
  9. Post-wrestling MJF and Cole can make a killing doing panto Meant in the best way possible. I thought it was a brilliant show. Really helps in these situations when you're not running on fumes at 4am.
  10. Got taken out by the doctor so he could do the costume change.
  11. Should have known better with Penta, but so many things have gone wrong you never know.
  12. Starting with the ROH tag title match. This is going to set the tone for the rest of the show. As they can't feck up the main event with an angle that falls flat.
  13. Bit of both. Jarrett's crew is now being confronted by Grado, Ogogo, and Big Show.
  14. Anyone watching at home. The pre-show has already started. Hobbs and Miro are about to have a contract signing.
  15. Showing as £16.99 on youtube and $19.99 on FITE. With exchange rates and fees think it'd work out a smidge cheaper on FITE.
  16. League A & B have a top 3 of licenced clubs. League C only has 3rd place who qualify for a promotion opportunity. Why should 4 other clubs be penalised for playing in the wrong league?
  17. Not really. Individual clubs have weighed up their options, Threave & Bonnyton moving on and others choosing to stay. As a league through PWG meetings and the introduction of the WoSFL there has been no desire to alter their standing. Until the Lowland League opens up promotion/relegation between Tier 5 & 6 there's not going to be a real discussion. Even if promotion opportunities increased to 2 spots, the existing LL Playoff and Tier 6 structure works without a need for amendment.
  18. https://scottishfootballfixtures.wordpress.com/previous-season-archive/archive-2022-23/tier-6-10-west-of-scotland-22-23/strathclyde-demolition-cup-22-23/ Where they once again scratched.
  19. They were in the Junior Cup though. Drawn away to Shotts Bon Accord in the 2nd round and then scratched from the competition. If they hadn't been in the Junior Cup draw that season they presumably would have been included in that year's Strathclyde Cup. Just like last season when serving the suspension from the Junior Cup.
  20. They're being collected. I wouldn't expect an update until after August since they tend to be monthly updates.
  21. They in this instance is Cairn Cheerleader. The SJFA taking 15% off every game seems to be how they're covering the cost of the increased prize money/guarantees. Good News = Prize money's gone up! Bad News = We're taxing you to help pay for it! That graphic is for the Junior Scottish Cup. Don't believe anything has been decided for the South Challenge Cup.
  22. It's not even about too many games since they suggest entering the Demolition Cup instead.
  23. Considering BJ Whitmer and Jeff Hardy became news on the day of their arrest, and this has been slowly going through the legal stages for 3 weeks. I guess it could be worse.
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