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betting competition

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  1. http://www.scottishfa.co.uk/scottish_fa_news.cfm?page=1338&newsCategoryID=1&newsID=9495 The following Notices of Complaint have been issued by the Compliance Officer: Issued to: Rangers FC Dates: 6th May 2011 to 6 March 2012 Disciplinary Rule(s) allegedly breached: Rules 1, 2, 14, 66 and 71 Principal Hearing Date: Thursday, 29th March 2012 Issued to: Craig Whyte, Director, Rangers FC Dates: 6th May 2011 to 6 March 2012 Disciplinary Rule(s) allegedly breached: Rules 66 and 71 Principal Hearing Date: Thursday, 29th March 2012 Rule 1 (b): All members shall: (b) be subject to and comply with the Articles and any statutes, regulations, directives, codes, decisions and International Match Calendar promulgated by the Board, the Professional Game Board, the Non Professional Game Board, the Judicial Panel, a Committee or sub-committee, FIFA, UEFA or the Court of Arbitration for Sport; Rule 2: Each member shall procure that its officials, its Team Staff and its players act in accordance with Rule 1. Rule 14 (g): Full membership or associate membership may be suspended or terminated, or a fine may be issued, in any of the following circumstances:- (g) where a full member or an associate member suffers or is subject to an insolvency event. Rule 66: No recognised football body, club, official, Team Official or other member of Team Staff, player, referee, or other person under the jurisdiction of the Scottish FA shall bring the game into disrepute. Rule 71: A recognised football body, club, official, Team Official, other member of Team Staff, player or other person under the jurisdiction of the Scottish FA shall, at all times, act in the best interests of Association Football and shall not act in any manner which is improper.
  2. Haven't had a chance to listen to podcast as the BBC have yet to put the podcast online
  3. Indeed well said I forgot to add that Murray could have got a decent Lawyer to check Whyte out and imho he knew what he was selling rangers to a dodgy person but was so desperate to sell because of the tax problems (obviously). I amazed at how poor radio scotland coverage of the rangers problems has been. Listened to the podcast yesterday when Young defending Campbell Ogilvie and that was another cringeworthy moment again.
  4. Indeed that comment made me laugh, its not hard to pay a little money for a company credit reports. You can find out a lot of information on certain amount of people dealing with limited companies. Why does the press make Murray seem like the good guy? unbelievable.
  5. I was getting a bit bored with the rangers situation but i thought i would have a look at this site as always good for information. Thank you i've just spent the last 15 minutes laughing
  6. http://blogs.channel4.com/alex-thomsons-view/ Last week I sought the views of non-Rangers football fans in Scotland about the current meltdown at Ibrox. This is the second of three blogs setting out how they see it. The straightforward view of all fans who responded is that, understandably enough, Rangers should be punished if found guilty of the allegation of systematically cheating their way to years of football success. That said, the desire for justice, if there is indeed guilt, was balanced by extreme suspicion that Rangers would somehow escape justice. This is based on the widespread belief that the powers that be, from TV through the SFA to the SPL, desire Rangers in the top-flight league at almost all costs. Joe wrote - “If the SFA/SPL fail to act… then the repercussions for Scottish football will be even greater than the SPL without RFC. The fans of other clubs will unite as never before to ensure that justice is done and the rules are adhered to.” Jamie said, if guilty, Rangers should be demoted and emerge under a different identity, perhaps “Govan FC”. He said - “But they must build from the bottom anew. Applying to the league in the same way as Inverness Caledonian Thistle did when they were formed as a brand new club.” And many looked abroad for European precedent where big teams had fallen foul of the laws administrating the game. The names Marseille and Fiorentina came up time and time again as clubs which had paid the requisite price, in the view of many. Brian wrote saying that if Rangers are found guilty of malpractice, Uefa should take action - “Allowing RFC, in whatever guise they eventually emerge, to remain in the SPL would make a mockery of their Financial Fair Play initiative. This is something I sincerely hope the 11 SPL chairmen will consider before rubber-stamping their return to top flight football.” And talk of that 11 brings us to a big gripe – that the voting structure of the entire SPL badly needs reform because the Big Two – Rangers and Celtic – can block anything they don’t like. As Stuart put it - “If Rangers are not in the SPL next season, the voting structure of the league can be changed. Currently any motion can be blocked by two clubs. This enables the Old Firm to block any proposals put forward by the rest of the league.” The current 11-1 voting structure is seen by many fans merely as a way of keeping the status quo the way the Big Two want it, not least in terms of cash and the distribution of TV money. The view is that Rangers should go through due process and, if guilty, be required to pay back those who owe them money – which might turn out to be you and I, taxpayers, the way things stand. If they have to sack people there is considerable sympathy for those individuals. If they have to sell Ibrox there is virtually no sympathy at all. Play by the rules. Start again from the bottom. Rebuild with a new identity and ethos. As Michael said - “If Rangers are allowed to remain in the SPL under current conditions and be given a slapped hand, I think from speaking to many others and reading other fan forums most of the fans will walk away from football. “We do not follow non-Old Firm teams just for us to finish third, or to let the Old Firm have a league. Scottish football will change NOW, and Rangers have caused it all.” Though you’d have to say, even in the context of Scotland’s peculiar SPL and two-team domination, the spectre of fans really walking away to concentrate on their golf, as one Aberdeen fan threatened – or equally, of banding together en masse – seems a little romantic. In our final part of the trilogy, we’ll look at the widespread idea that what is happening to Rangers FC is in fact a great opportunity to improve Scottish football across the board, from governance at the top, down to the numbers coming through the turnstiles at the smallest of league clubs.
  7. These guys used to be AFC Trust who was quite powerful and got Willie Miller and Chris Gavin on the board. Not sure if they agree with that decision now with Willie Miller but i know they still have meetings with those at the club. About a month ago changed name to Dons Supporters Together.
  8. Not sure but they was one of them that voted for Sky sports along with the old firm when the majority voted for setanta sports.
  9. I'm not especially with Whyte about. I would have expected him to move money into his accounts before he called the administrators.
  10. I reckon they are his management fee's that he has taken out of the club. I wonder if the Administration lads will put Rangers into liquidation on a friday afternoon at 3pm so no-one can contest the it at court on that day. Not sure which friday but i wonder if they will do it that way.
  11. Well you are a rangers fan!!! Fair play for coming on here when its one of your clubs darkest hour. So many rangers posters have disapeared.
  12. Well if anyone has time, have a look at the rules book: http://www.scotprem.com/content/mediaassets/doc/SPL%20Rules%20as%20at%2019-Dec-11%20%28CURRENT%29.pdf ps just listening to chick young on the radio and i really hate these biased journalist. BBC need to get fair coverage and they are not providing that.
  13. I think £900,000 difference from finishing 2nd to 3rd is a fair amount to the club that is struggling. I very much doubt if the likes of Davis would leave for nothing in the summer but they would have a wages repaid in the transfer deal i think.
  14. Kyle Lafferty's just returned to Murray Park https://twitter.com/...083284377968642
  15. Bebo is Chris Maguire, seriously the user name on afc-chat was bebo and i was giving him credit
  16. If i was needing a laugh i normally look at sickipedia but those in rangersmedia are 100 times funnier than that site
  17. Just shows how thick they are - A quick liquidation??? Liquidation means rangers is finished as a club, they could maybe create another club but there history is gone and another thing is that if they do into liquidation then they would more than likely have to start in Division 3 and also will be banned from Europe for 3 seasons.
  18. http://www.scotsman.com/sport/football/spl/in_full_ticketus_statement_on_rangers_administration_1_2147937 Ticketus are really worried though.
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