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betting competition

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Everything posted by betting competition

  1. I was pretty confident that SFL wouldn't vote for Newco Rangers until i heard Turnbull Hutton on the radio last night Scottish Football is going to suffer regardless where Newco Rangers are going to go. As if they get back into SPL/Division 1 - fans of diddy clubs will walk way. If Newco Rangers go down to division 3 then they will lose a lot of fans while rumours that SPL clubs might go into Administration but is that scare tactics? What a horrible position Scottish Football is in because of David Murray and a lesser extent Craig Whyte.
  2. lol he has been a star in this, although i was worried by his comments in sportsound, sounds like Rangers newco will get in 1st division. I think the pressure SFA and SPL are putting on the clubs to vote this though is terrible. Sad thing is that all diddy clubs in SPL will lose a far number of fans on this for keeping money at the club, that isn't right and Rangers Newco will have not much of a punishment for what they did. SPL/SPA don't do Sporting Integrity but lets hope SFL clubs do.
  3. Wow i never thought it would come to this but my continue involvement watching Aberdeen is at the hands of SFL clubs. I hope SFL fans are writting to their clubs saying they would boycott a Newco Rangers in the first division.
  4. Only figures released was from Dundee Utd and they only sold 2400 and by the sounds of it Dundee Utd chairmen was worried as so many had written about boycotting them if Newco got back in. As soon as they announced they had a no vote against rangers that weekend they sold over 500 season tickets, not sure what they sold after that. I bought a season ticket after Aberdeen announced they was going to vote no, and thats paying extra as I missed the early bird ticket price and I also bought the most expensive package with the Black and Gold membership (Red TV and Aberdeen top). Now I wished I had waited as if they do let Rangers into 1st Division then thats me walking away from the game i love.
  5. Considering 7 clubs have said publically they have voted no then i don't think Jim Spence needs to work for Robert Mugabe
  6. Not sure as Aberdeen No statement had this: "Reorganisation of the game is a priority and is something we have been actively involved in for a long time, but it is not something that should be rushed through just to deal specifically with one club. "
  7. This isn't about killing Rangers as they are already dead, its about sporting integrity and imho Newco company should start at the bottom league and work their way up. If we bend the rules to get them in division 1 then i will not go to another SPL/SFL league again.
  8. If Newco rangers get into 1st Division this way with all SPL clubs and SFA then i'm walking away from the game, what is the point of following our game when we bend backwards to let a newco club into the 2nd tier of our game. Shame on SPL, SFL and the SFA if they allow this to happen.
  9. Am i missing the point here? The players and i mean those that was getting paid by Glasgow Rangers will not be paid because that company is in liquidation. Now the 3 players that have signed up for Newco company will get paid along with staff that work at Sevco, is that right or has Green come out with a statement saying all players in the old company will be paid regardless if they signed for sevco? Other point i would make is that i always thought Green group would be in the short term for running Rangers as a club but i always thought they would Rent out Ibrox and Murray Park to those that will take over with the clubs best interests at heart. Only a very good offer for the stadium and training facilities would make them sell overall.
  10. No it wasn't if it wasn't for champions league football the previous season then i would have expected administration a bit earlier. This site is excellent and tells you the debts of Rangers and all SPL clubs. http://www.football-finances.org.uk/rangers/2010/debt2.htm
  11. That is my major criticism of BBC Sportsound is that they have had journalist that only deal with sport and have to put up with shite like Chick Young in the early days saying Whyte should get nothing. Sportsound should have some Business expert in there to talk about the finanical problems and what might happen. If they are looking to an example then they should look at Newsnight Scotland excellent piece on rangers problems last night.
  12. The big problem HMRC has i suppose, if they give in to 10p in the pound for this it is opening the door for EPL clubs to do the same in the future. Its a tough one for them i think they have to be careful what they do although Rangers administration seem to be confident that they are willing to do a deal.
  13. Indeed that is correct but i'm not saying Duff and Phelps do a shoddy or dodgy job but the HMRC insolvency practitioners would have digged a lot deeper which might have caused Murray/Whyte a few problems.
  14. No they have to do everything above the law but what i'm saying is the HMRC financial people would have digged a lot deeper which has a possibility of hurting previous owners as they would have went over the accounts with a fine toothcomb
  15. Indeed although if the HMRC guys put their people in place it could have been a lot worse and they would have digged a lot deeper. For Rangers its better to have administration appointed by Whyte than those in HMRC.
  16. 30 million is just his negotiation start off price he would accept a lot lower.
  17. Haudit & Daudit must do everything by the book, like all administrator people . If Ticketus is a creditor to rangers and they do a CVA, then Ticketus must be included in this. Craig Whyte will always walk away with a fair amount of cash for his £1 investment, I would be amazed if he hasn't already got a lot of money from Rangers with management fees.
  18. It was a 3-way play-off between Aberdeen, Dunfermline and Falkirk. The criteria was 10,000 stadium at the time but sadly for Falkirk their board didn't do this but kept a strong first team. At least a few years later the SPL seen some sense and made it 6,000 and also could move to another stadium but everyone was well aware of the stadium criteria in 2000.
  19. lol one thing this rangers crisis shows up how bad the scottish media are some of those in BBC coverage have not covered themself in glory. Today's ticketus news is massive news today but they hardly spoke about this and spent more time the old firm fixture which i suppose is the way the media works. I laugh at how the daily record are going for Whyte on the rangers crisis yet David Murray hasn't had too much of a hard time off them. Even without Whyte taking over rangers they would still be in administration as they was so badly run.
  20. One thing that disappoints me about the media is that they have never asked David Murray the easy question of "Did you have a guarantee for the 18 million pound loan from the Bank" Such as easy question that has not been answered yet, still the media will continue to have a witch hunt on Whyte.
  21. I thought they was but obviously not going with Matt Slater twitter: This ruling appears to have narrowed field somewhat: Blue Knights CVA or liquidation & pray for clemency Saying that it all depends on HMRC going with CVA i would have thought but if they do not agree its liquidation
  22. According to STV it was 11 days ago they sent the letters to all clubs. I find it rather funny that Alex Thomson doing an investigation and the David Murray/Stewart Regan have done interviews to the media yesterday/today!!!.
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