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Everything posted by AsimButtHitsASix

  1. "Will there be a vote taken today?" Neil Doncaster: "You have to look at it in context" Naw... naw ye don't. You say yes or no.
  2. John Brown's the perfect person to take over Rangers right now. He has experience of taking clubs to the third division.
  3. 25th post of the thread. Every one has been solid gold. Isn't this all a bit win/win for the SFL? If the SPL think we'll throw Zombie Rangers to the 3rd (or even dingy them for Spartans) they'll keep them in the SPL in which case all their credibility has been destroyed, many fans will desert them, and our hand will be strengthened further without any real change for SFL clubs. Alright it would have been shown the SPL are a bunch of wankers who care more about £s than fans but, hell, we knew that anyway. If they think we'll allow them in the 1st they'll knock them back and we'll knock them back to the third anyway because Turnbull Hutton will roundhouse kick anyone in the face who disagrees.
  4. this. it would have been bad enough if the chairmen had all just kept quiet and voted them back in but after all their blustering if they do ANOTHER u-turn then fucking shinty will get a sudden rise in popularity.
  5. So when these clauses were inserted couldn't they have been inserted in the case of Rangers/Celtic ditching us for England/North Atlantic League but protect the league itself in the case of one or both of them going tits up an being relegated? SPL Chairmen are fucking geniuses by the way.
  6. By the way. Would love to see a list of all the different tangents this thread has taken over it's course. Think it's went from shark fishing off the coast of Belize to the best chippy in Kirkcaldy and everywhere inbetween.
  7. Kinda. I think we get telt what our budget is for the year and we need to spread it out as best we can but the actual totals spent is still Westminster controlled* *this is what my sister telt me and she talks shite a lot so don't take it as gospel.
  8. Also a summer league. English football is still more popular in Norway but they wont have any real competition during the summer (aside from the Euros/World Cup)
  9. Is there a Jewish club in Scotland yet? Maybe there's a gap in the market for Killie there.
  10. Obviously broke them up into smaller pieces before chucking them (got my rivets and girders mixed up. thank f**k I'm not an engineer) Fixed.
  11. According to VikingTon it was you lot that got skelped with IRN BRU's most famous ingredient. Not that a scrap that happened 90 years ago matters of course. No idea why you brought it up.
  12. Agreed. I'm pretty sure using an overweight Scottish/Pakistani cricketer as a stick with which to try and beat me with is the finest example of straw clutching I've ever seen.
  13. Wait?! Someone took drugs once?! Call the police!!! Anyway I've not named myself after him. I've taken my name from a line of commentary from a match he was playing in. If ye know yer history and all that...
  14. methadroniumparadolazone fuelled Irish immigrant razor gangs... ...in MY town? It happens more often than you'd think.
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