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Everything posted by Dosser-fae-the-shire

  1. I fell asleep out the back the other day. Only an hour or so but I'm like a fuckin lobster.
  2. Fell asleep out the back yesterday. I'm like a fuckin beached lobster.
  3. Congrats. Get plenty of sleep over the next few weeks.
  4. The chips look fuckin mingin but well done with the chicken. To be clear though, the chips are fuckin disgusting as f**k looking. Proper fuckin rank.
  5. See, I can't be fucked with that. They can never be bothered with a full turn out. c***s. Dope DOD are ok, heard a few tracks.
  6. My wife described this film as "A lot of sentimental shite."
  7. Hope you enjoy it. Saw them before and was less than impressed. See Raekwon isn't playing and not sure about Ghostface either.
  8. Who's this c**t? Think you've won the thread as I hate him already.
  9. Just watched The Godfather 1&2 for the first time. Fair enjoyed them.
  10. One of my favourite albums. See Raekwon and Ghostface are touring for the 20th anniversary of the album. Hopefully get a scottish gig.
  11. f**k that mate. You're being harsh on yourself. Clearly just the first animal that popped into your head.
  12. They wanted a roll on sausage but changed their minds.
  13. Just made the weans roasted cheese for lunch. Great stuff.
  14. A wee bit of me wants the delivery van to go on fire.
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