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Everything posted by Dosser-fae-the-shire

  1. I've tasted some horrible alcohol in my life but nothing as bad as Scotsmac. Who the f**k thought whisky and wine were a good mix??
  2. Aye, f**k using social media to try and start up your business.
  3. Think you've just won this thread.ETA wid the one in the middle.
  4. I bet the person who posted this is a 40 stone munter.
  5. Just downloaded the Chase Yirsel EP by Stanley Odd. Well worth a listen.
  6. Folk that slag cheese and jam really need to try it first. Taste sensation.
  7. Did a 4 month nightshift when I left Uni and was working in Asda. It was ok to start with but then I stopped being able to sleep during the day. I was fuckin miserable. The only good thing was getting a carry out on a Saturday morning with some of my co workers but even that became shite. f**k night shift.
  8. Surely that's fake? If not, that place is mutant central.
  9. Those videos are all over the place. Not looked at one yet.
  10. Currently reading The Tommyknockers. Never read it before. Really enjoying it, just hoping it doesn't have a shitey ending.
  11. Excellent use of the smiley. No fuckin idea what is happening here.
  12. Just bought a bottle of "Mad Count". It's actually better than 20/20.
  13. Thank f**k. A red dot would properly ruin my night. No idea how I'd ever get over it.
  14. This thread just clarifies that there are a shitload of utter c***s on this forum.
  15. Can minds guy called Frub. Loads of folk called him it and it wasn't til years later I discovered why. Turns out it was "Fat Repulsive Ugly b*****d". Pretty fuckin harsh.
  16. My mate is Chinese. He got "Homer" as he's fat and yellow. Not very PC
  17. Top trolling in today's Metro. Some Killie c**t slating Motherwell. Reckons Killie are a better run fitba team.
  18. My take on the boy turning into a zombie at the end was that he'd maybe eaten something infected (hence the dead pig). Might be talking shite though.
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