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Everything posted by Dosser-fae-the-shire

  1. Scottish cup day so it's allowed. I'm just getting ready to go for the paper and a bottle of tonic.
  2. She's going to pump you with a strap on later as she's clearly the boss.
  3. Not a fan of Saucony at all but these are far from the worst I've seen.
  4. Why has Magee gone again? You'd think he'd just take the fuckin hint and f**k off for good. The c**t. Don't mind him though.
  5. I thought it was 7 guys has jumped someone (maybe this lassie's partner) but I've honestly no fuckin idea. The fact that someone replied makes me think they're speaking in some kind of new scumbag jakeball dialect.
  6. Aye, this. I've had both and was told that the drugs don't make much of a difference so went without. Watching the monitor when a camera is up yir arse was a bit surreal. Seeing biopsies being taken was worse though. I could have just not watched I suppose.
  7. Almost perfect but would use sriracha instead of normal chilli.
  8. This fuckin rain. Water currently coming through the ceiling in the hall. 50 mins waiting to get through to my insurance company.
  9. Do you not get bored of buying trainers that are utterly hideous?
  10. The Bobby scenes are quite funny and I like the call centre ones too. Agree with the rest of your post though.
  11. Well why don't you f**k off and not read it. You come across as an attention seeking c**t.
  12. Probably so that when you complain about this in the future they can say "No, look, the stupid c**t has signed the paperwork so he knew fine well he was being completely arse fucked."
  13. You've put that a wee bit more PC than the previous "spastics" comment.
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