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Everything posted by Dosser-fae-the-shire

  1. Never caught these live but watching them today. Funny as f**k.
  2. There was one lying in a puddle in Motherwell for a few days. I had a look at it every day as it slowly turned into fox soup.
  3. Most local shops have pasta, toilet rolls etc. This virus is certainly outing the utter dregs of society.
  4. Aye, it comes in clear bottles sometimes. I thought it was a bottle of Miller tonight though.
  5. Shut the f**k up. You were all ready to criticise him for not signing. He’s now signed and you’re still moaning.
  6. Just ripping you. Take the sedative from what everyone else is saying and hope you get on ok.
  7. Nowhere near as bad. The only weird bit was watching the screen when it was taking a biopsy of my colon. That was weird. Still had a wee chug about it though.
  8. Exactly what I got told. Didn’t want to scare the guy who was asking (hopefully he’ll just skip this post). It was like getting held down and a snake being forced down your throat. All the time they’re trying to suck the vomit out your mouth/throat with a Hoover. I still have nightmares about it.
  9. I was told that getting the sedation was pointless. I think I may have been lied to.
  10. Aye, out of the 2, the colonoscopy was the “easier”.
  11. It’s not nice but the nurses etc are very helpful and put your mind at ease. I’ll certainly not be auditioning for any remake of Deep Throat.
  12. This is utter stupidity. Check it out.
  13. There does seem to be a rise in the number of wee dicks hanging about.
  14. Saw a Ross County fan crossing the Clyde at the new Barclays building today. Daft c**t was only wearing his Ross County top on his top half. Hope he gets pneumonia and Coronavirus.
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