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Everything posted by Dosser-fae-the-shire

  1. He’s also a complete grade A c**t so just best ignored. I can’t imagine how pathetic a life you must have to go around dotting folk on a football forum.
  2. She spent most of her time mopping the tiny wee pools of sweat which kept forming in my palms.
  3. The wee shop across from Glasgow Central station has it.
  4. Shed 7 and The Twang. Guy is only trying to help folk out ya milk snatching old c**t.
  5. Ha, shit. Just saw wha thread this was. Please feel free to give them to someone on here.
  6. Might be interested in these if still available.
  7. Naked Noodles are shite. Nissin Soba Beef Teriyaki are outstanding.
  8. You utter c**t. I have them in my cupboard and was looking forward to them. I’ll revert with my own opinion.
  9. Usually go to a guy in Motherwell but he was shut last time I went. Tried one of the many Turkish places. Got the shave and have to say it was fuckin quality. £17 for haircut and Turkish shave. They also waxed my nose which was weirdly not that sore. Wouldn’t do it every month but nice for a wee treat.
  10. Mine is a permanent ban. No 7 days etc. It’s not that important to me to take a lot of time setting a new account up. Got enough shite going on in my life.
  11. Paul Slane. Talented young Well player. Signed for Celtic, shagged whores, snorted charlie. Ruined career. It’s hilarious though, apparently.
  12. I was reading the comments under it and couldn’t believe the amount of folk who thought it was hilarious. He’s a complete fuckin waster and everything that’s wrong with our culture of praising folk who ruined their talent with drink and/or drugs. Perhaps someone who has an active Twitter account can call him a c**t for me.
  13. Bought Aldi Salted Caramel Mince Pies and Black Forest Mince pies today. Not telling any c**t they’re like though.
  14. At the hospital and they have ham and pineapple pasta. Pasta, mayo, ham and pineapple. f**k that.
  15. Maybe you 2 should get a wee side chat and stop polluting threads. You come across as a whiney wee bitch.
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