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Everything posted by Dosser-fae-the-shire

  1. How so? Lost a goal from a penalty then another with 9 men. Hardly an arse collapse.
  2. Of course you can you fuckin idiot. If you’ve signed a contract to work midweek then it should be honoured.
  3. I posted a screenshot a few posts ago. It genuinely wasn’t that bad.
  4. Anyone on the side of Asda here is an absolute fuckin arsehole. The examples in the news are just lazy journalism. This is having a big impact on a lot of staff and it’s appalling that it’s allowed to happen. I personally know of people who have hours to suit looking after disabled family members and are being threatened with the sack if they don’t agree to sign this new contract.
  5. Very tough watch. Feel so sorry for the remaining families.
  6. Tried that. Got binned before I could even Tweet.
  7. No mate, he didn’t show. Gasp was fuckin brilliant though. Nah mate, can’t get back on Twitter.
  8. Going to a gig tonight where he was meant to be appearing. Really can’t see it though.
  9. Dry your fuckin eyes. At the game I thought Long got the ball first. Therefore it’s a sending off if that’s what the ref saw.
  10. It appears he’s on a massive bender. Clearly needs help.
  11. Our PE teacher used to give people Horsey Bites, which involved him grabbing the inside of their thigh. Thankfully I was big and ugly so never received one but looking back on it, he was a definite beast.
  12. The misspelt footballers thread in Gold. Jordan Rode still cracks me up every time I see it.
  13. Not watched it back but thought it was a dive at the game. Completely agree that it’s very poor and he probably should get a ban for diving. The rolling about stuff was pathetic too.
  14. The Twang have covered Tinseltown In The Rain.
  15. You mentioned a few studies so just post the links to them. Shouldn’t be too difficult (unless they don’t exist).
  16. Hospitality tomorrow. Couldn’t care less what the score is. Hopefully the folk who stand up the back avoid that arsehole chief of staff c**t.
  17. You seem to have a lot of issues at work. Maybe (and I’m just guessing here) you’re the c**t.
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