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Everything posted by Dosser-fae-the-shire

  1. No point in giving him actual facts mate. He’ll just ignore them as they don’t suit his views.
  2. Is Okeksandr the guy “McKee” who pissed himself to avoid riding a lassie? Nae wonder he’s trying to create new threads to get folk to forget his past.
  3. That’s fuckin brilliant. Serves them right for not thinking of doing that. Video their reactions when you tell them.
  4. You’re a fuckin imbecile. The stupid c**t can’t have any complaints. Just a horrible wee c**t.
  5. Cheers. Don’t know how to deal with this. Never felt so low
  6. Scattered my dad’s ashes today and I’m a complete fuckin mess.
  7. So you’re going in and risking everyone else’s health? You’re a c**t.
  8. Probably should be on the Scottish Hip Hop thread but the stuff Gasp is coming out with these days is fuckin insane. Folk need to start getting into this.
  9. I see match commander (and former polis) Bob Park is getting grief for not allowing a flag which had been pre-approved. The club need to get rid of this c**t. Had dealings with him myself and he’s an arrogant w****r.
  10. Not sure why I’m sharing this and if anyone in here knows me in real life I’d appreciate if you keep this to yourself. My old man was diagnosed with terminal cancer a couple of years ago. He passed away a couple of weeks ago and it’s hit me really hard. Just feel numb all the time and having terrifying dreams. I’m trying to stay strong for the family but I’m in bits most nights. Don’t really know what I’m expecting folk to say but just needed to vent. Don’t even know if this is the right thread.
  11. We’ve got a partially deaf woman in work. She’s loud as f**k. She sometimes gets the same train as me and some of the shite she talks is cringey as f**k.
  12. Think your scoring on these was very harsh. A bit soggy but the filling was lovely. A solid 7/10 from me.
  13. I’ve said to folk a few times just to let c***s off first. Just pure c***s.
  14. Walker appears to be close to tears about how bad Aberdeen have been.
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