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Everything posted by forameus

  1. Thought they went a bit far when Dream spent the middle segment of the match pumping his friend's wife, being a bit racist, and then trying to take down Mr Paparazzi. Brother. I hadn't twigged any of it to be honest, but then a while since I watched the match. Very nice touch. Odd one though - is this the way they're trying to bring Hogan back into the fold? Bet wee Terry was ripping the heid off it watching at home.
  2. Monster in the Bank? Sounds like Fred Goodwin kfanxlol!
  3. Just got done watching. Wouldn't say it's anywhere near their best show they've done, but that just proves how stellar they've been recently. Every match reached at least the level of solid to very good. Really enjoyed the Baeszler/Cross match. Think they've misused the latter during her time, whenever she's been involved she's been great, just been involved at the same time as people they wanted more unfortunately. Dream/Ricochet was great, but it does show how bland the latter is as a character standing next to Dream who is constantly amazing. Then the main event...hooo boy. I watched it in parts, getting up to just before the wedding ring and table spot before watching the rest today. FOr the first part, I don't think it really reached the highs of the first one. Can't really pinpoint any specific reason why, but they were always going to struggle to equal what was an absolutely brutal match last time. But that last ten minutes or so pushed it very close, and maybe even surpassed it. Thought they were going for a Gargano heel turn, and so did the crowd by the sounds of it. Absolutely the right decision to have Ciampa win, and booked almost perfectly. It's actually amazing how they've managed to turn this into, presumably, a three show feud. Particularly when their shows are so far apart, and particularly when the opener in the feud put most closers in others to shame. I'm really interested to see where they go with match 3. Three stages of hell is the only one I can kind of see happening, and it makes a nice bit of symmetry being the third one. Maybe up the ante by making it loser leaves NXT? Although that has less of an impact given it means the loser is getting promoted. In a way at least. On second thoughts, winner stays in NXT is probably a good stip. If it is 3SOH, what would they use? Presumably straight wrestling match and street fight, but where can they go from there? Cage? Hell in a Cell? Punjabi Prison? Boiler Room? I've yet to watch MITB (so no spoilers please) but I'lll be astounded if it isn't the usual, and once again NXT pisses all over its big brother.
  4. Kit's oot. Would link but at work. Quite nice, even if Just Employment Law seem desperate to have their logo be as invisible as possible. Like they're ashamed or something. Decent away top, certainly not the worst home top we've had.
  5. It wasn't, it was the later stuff in the Olgeird house, but the whole wedding section is brilliant too.
  6. That's the exact one! It's not this overblown story, just a basic fetch-quest really, but the way they build the colour around the guy you're doing it for, leading you on to think that he's just a chancer, then hitting you with that ending. It's probably the one that stuck with me most through the entire game and it's 8 million quests. Honourable mentions to any where Geralt gets pished and either cross-dresses or tries to catch vampires, and the entire "in the painting" parts of Hearts of Stone. Not a side quest, but the whole sequence is just so good it deserves a mention. I went back to it briefly over the weekend to try and get re-acquainted, and after playing Skyrim for a while on Switch it's taking some getting used to.
  7. Think Heart of Stone is actually my favourite standalone DLC of any game ever. Hard to go into why without spoiling, but some incredibly difficult decisions in that story-wise with how they build everything up. I've never really given Blood and Wine a chance to be honest. When it came out I'd been playing the same save for a stupid number of hours, and at that point I just wanted to get to the ending to conclude the Geralt story so I could move on. I started a New Game+ save and played through the entirety of the main quest and HoS, so it's all sitting there ready for me to finish Blood and Wine again, and then finally leave the game behind. Can't wait for the Netflix series to completely ruin everything
  8. You might have guessed that I love the game, but I did really struggle to get into it in the early stage, to the point where I thought about just leaving it behind. Not sure there was any shining moment that made me keep going, but definitely remember not being that impressed early on. I wouldn't say it's purely for the story, although admittedly that's what really shines through. It's clear they've put a hell of a lot of effort into world-building, and where lots of games just fill the game with repetitive side-quests, there was definitely a push to make sure every side-quest actually meant something, and had its own story. One of the best quest in the game is a side, and that's purely down to the writing. Outside of that though, it's very, very strong. I remember early reviews saying that there wasn't any particular aspect that it does brilliantly in the genre, but it takes every good thing that other games did, and does each of them very well. I'd say that's about right. It's the amalgamation of everything that makes it an absolute shining example of an open-world game. The world itself probably isn't the most interesting (I'd say Fallout 4 just edges it), it's probably not the most varied to look at (absolutely gorgeous in parts, but can get quite samey), there's better examples of combat out there, the soundtrack is good but isn't varied enough (Skyrim's is much better for me) . But the only part of the game I'd consider flat-out bad is the horse controls. They're stinking. One thing that always strikes me about the hype for the game - particularly in this era of hype - is that it's all down to having played the game, rather than what the game could be. It's absolutely not for everyone, but it is a very, very, very good game. Also helps that the developer seems to do everything right in terms of free DLC, very full and very long paid DLC, and being happy to completely overhaul parts that players disliked in updates.
  9. Fortnite also coming to Switch, coincidentally just a month or so after Nintendo announced they'd be charging for online play. Hmmm... Looking forward to Smash Bros. I never really played Nintendo in my youth outside of a few shots of NES/SNES games at friends. Didn't really experience any Mario games, Smash Bros, Zelda, Mario Party, etc etc. Switch is introducing me to all of these, so just a few to go.
  10. forameus

    FIFA 19

    I liked the Journey to start with, and it was definitely a step in the right direction, but it was so half-arsed in places. If they had managed to write it so that you could properly roleplay as Alex Hunter and take him in the direction you wanted to, it would have been a lot better. Instead you were aggressively corralled in the direction EA wanted to go, to listen to the story EA wanted to tell. Special marks go to Harry Kane arriving on loan to whatever club you were at (I was Bournemouth) purely because they'd mo-capped him and the presentation made sense, rather than the story itself.
  11. Very true. I should have said more along the lines of Bethesda managing to make a game that can be enjoyable in spite of the people I mention. Extent of my online play these days is FIFA, which has its fair share of them. The Division wasn't too bad for it. Certain areas were riddled with problem players (in fact, I think the entire PC version was infested) but you could avoid them well enough so that you could have a fairly enjoyable game, and there seemed to be enough playing that you could actually achieve objectives. Except the guy that realised you could just stand in the doorway and block an entire server of people in the tutorial. It's a good point about the bigger map too. It used to be a huge selling point for games but seems to have calmed down a bit now. It's all well and good having an open world that is 400 million square kilometres or whatever, but you need to make sure it isn't just "stuff". Witcher 3 had what seemed like an enormous map, but a lot of it was just scenery. Admittedly pretty scenery, but still, it was just space. I think FO4 to have a more condensed one that seemed better as a result. Just Cause 3 was massive, but a bit meh otherwise. If they can make it 4 times bigger and make it feel alive, then great. Otherwise it's a step backward.
  12. forameus

    FIFA 19

    The gameplay video just looked like they'd slapped some Champions League livery over the current game. I'll still get it, as I've really enjoyed 18 after taking a break from FIFA, but...meh.
  13. From brief snippets on Twitter, looks like it is. Every person on the map being another human. I'm not as against it as some seem to be. I'm a sucker for big open world maps, and I liked how densely packed FO4's one was, even if it wasn't the most exciting. If they manage to take that "4 times as big" and fit in both the cramped, highly populated areas of FO4, along with wider, more open, and most importantly more varied locations, then that could be brilliant. Does remain to be seen how online works. As always, if it turns into a land full of trolls who have no life other than spending 22 hours a day playing it and ruining it for those that have about an hour to spend, then it'll be shit. Definitely interested though.
  14. I'll definitely give it a go, not against online only games as much as some, and I expect it to have a high level of polish given where it's being developed (and obviously riddled with hilarious bugs, but still). Hope it isn't like Elder Scrolls Online though - I was really excited for that given how much I loved Skyrim, but it was absolutely pish.
  15. So he broke up with Nikki to get right on the Dream? Fair play.
  16. Should've gone up and asked them when they were going to WWE cos indies are pure shite, they'd have loved that.
  17. Sporting have had a pretty shitty time of it recently what with their players getting attacked with iron bars by their own fans. Were on the fence about whether they'd actually play it or not, so not surprising they ended up losing anyway.
  18. Why panic sign when you can just go down to the physio room and see whoever looks the most fucked?
  19. Well, if it's a choice between Championship football and having such an effect on a boring, narrow-minded, xenophobic "ooft, I pure hate them Inglish so I do" tit, and being said boring, narrow-minded, xenophobic tit, I think I'll stay where I am thanks bbz x Reading it back, that was pretty shit wasn't it? Wasn't very clear, I admit. Just meaning that the top 5 were far, far away in terms of quality (well, apart from Hearts when we played them possibly) from everyone else. Both last season and the one previous it was a bit of a crap-shoot as to who filled up 6th. Last season it was us, previous one it was Ross County. Neither of us were a huge amount better than those that finished behind us. Had we gone out in those post-split games and given a better account of ourselves, I think we'd deserve more credit, but as it was it started the horrible slide to where we are now. He's definitely got the attributes to get the cigars out again like he did last season, but I could see him just getting the shit kicked out of him one tier below. He really doesn't like that. If we can get in a load of other far more hard working players, we can afford to have a luxury player like that. He sticks out for extra abuse though when he's alongside other champagne shitebags like him.
  20. While it's not as black and white as that, "hopeless" is pretty much exactly what he's looked like. He seems to be completely out of ideas this season in most facets. I know what you're getting at, but he's just taken a whole season's worth of shite from our players, so I wouldn't be too confident in that. I could definitely see him being in charge for at least the start of next season. I always said that if we did go down, I'd be slightly more inclined to keep him than if we stayed up. Him presiding over us being completely outclassed most weeks is going to change next season with different opponents (and by change, I don't necessarily mean we'll start playing like the Harlem Globetrotters, it's just going to be different). He's never quite taken to being able to build a squad that can truly compete. Although we got top 6, we did so because he were the best of a group of teams that are far behind the top 5. It was no surprise to see us get absolutely ridden for 5 games post-split. If after this week the board decides to really rebuild, I'd be more confident in Archie being able to build a squad to cope with Championship football than to cope with, let's be frank, much better teams. But that all needs to be liberally sprinkled with hope to work. I think it's probably time for him to step aside. He's done a lot for us, but I'm not sure what he's got left to give.
  21. Sweet. Suspect my actual seat is now gone which is a bit shit, but going by the online last time I looked, I may be joining the North for the first time. Be gentle.
  22. Went on to get my ticket today - late, I know, but long story where I wasn't sure if I'd even make it. And now see that season ticket seats have long since been given up. Availability looked none for the JHS (surely hadn't sold that out?) and after changing my mind about just paying at the gate, I'm now seeing the whole thing as unavailable online. Does that always happen this close to kick-off? I'll be going up anyway to try and buy at the gate, but surely we haven't sold this one out? I mean, great for the club if we did, but I'll be raging. Mostly at myself, but still.
  23. But isn't it a bit chicken and egg? Will they believe he's worth that (partly) because of the league he plays in? Splitting hairs of course. Personally I'd agree with you. If he does go, he should go for a lot of money. Just don't think you can really say "x went for 50 million in the EPL, Tierney should go for y"
  24. But Luke Shaw went from a team in the same league. Clubs know they can probably lop off a fair bit of the price for buying from the Scottish Leagues. From Celtic's perspective, you'd hope they'd play hardball to get that price up, but not sure how much capacity there is for it.
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