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Everything posted by forameus

  1. Picked this up on PSN on a whim after being really interested in the setting when it was first announced. Haven't played a Far Cry game since getting unspeakably angry over Far Cry 2 and how unforgiving it was, but enjoying this one so far. Decent setting, satisfying combat, and just picked up Boomer the Dug, who is bringing me assault rifles fairly regularly.
  2. Looks like Football Manager Touch will be winging its way to the Switch before long. Reduced version, but given the full version has become incredibly tedious, might be worth picking up on a portable
  3. Cena to go to WM as a fan, got a seat up in the Gods of the arena. Gets all his protein shakes and popcorn for the show, but - awforfuxake - someone's taken his seat! Baw gawd King, that's Mean Mark! A spirited discussion takes place as to whose seat it is, and then both are thrown out of the arena.
  4. Only appetite for that - and it's absolutely fucking tiny - is if he was coming back for more than just one last match. Even then, I'd rather they just had him drop a few of spooky spooky skeletons elements to his character rather than go to American Badass. Tongue in cheek I know, but there's no way this'll open. They'd be brave not to have him show next week, can't see them going into Mania without a match officially announced. Seems like the sort of thing they'd do to try and get people to tune in to a shitey B show.
  5. I also like that they focus on what he shouted at said physio, along with accompanying photos, and then just gloss over that he also threw a punch at a guy.
  6. I still find it hilarious that we manage to generate so little seethe generally, but still have a few that absolutely despise us. #hatedbutrated I'm not sure where you're making the jump from us being a possible relegation candidate, but still (arguably) not the worst side in the league, and ending up mid-to-lower table in the Championship next season. We very well could get relegated, but seems incredibly pessimistic to go that far down. I'd imagine we'd be one of the favourites to go back up, although hardly likely to smash through the league. The Championship isn't the strong league it was when the "Premiership needs a strong..." brigade were around. I would stick with Archie if we got relegated, with a view to revisiting that should we start badly. But if we did go down, and they did let him go, I could absolutely see why and would hope they make the right decision with who to go with. I'm sure there are people out there who would be better options, and plenty that wouldn't.
  7. But at the same time "knee-jerking" is exactly what people were resorting to with the whole "eternal failures" argument. The solution is always to keep the experienced players that can still do a job and feed in the younger players that can make a difference. Or, put more simply, just play the best combined 11 we can, regardless of if they're 16 or 36.
  8. If they can start treating 205 Live as something a bit closer to the main roster, where people can go in and out based on where their story is going, then it'll be fine. Currently though it seems like you're either on the main roster, or you're a Cruiserweight. You should be able to star there and then move on and let others take the stage.
  9. I meant Bryan. Shane's got McMahon genes damn it, and McMahon's don't die.
  10. That's actually a good point, and shows how the business has changed, and how few genuine faces the fans care about that WWE have. In the olden days you just put a heel out to batter shit out of your face, and there's your heat. Now all the heels get cheered, and their chosen faces are booed. Then wee DBry comes in to redress the balance. How do they go from here though? Keep him kayfabe injured and leave it up in the air on whether he goes to Mania? Do they definitely go with the tag match? I'd like to see an unsanctioned tornado tag. Suits Shane to let him jump off something high, suits the bitterness of the feud. Just need to make sure they don't kill him.
  11. I get the feeling that Bryan himself would be loathe to tone down his style too much, but the diving headbutt has to go, head injury or not. Suicide dive...maybe. They are overdone, and recently it seems like everyone doing one is just inches from killing themselves (Banks and Big E spring to mind in particular). There's no real need for him to do them, but I wouldn't be surprised if he did.
  12. Read that article too, but I've also read articles where he pretty much said "I would have always chosen Scotland", so I'm not going to give McLeish massive amounts of credit for persauading him when it seemed like it just confirmed his choice. Still, it's positive. We've heard a lot in the past decade or so about them searching every avenue for eligible players, but it's rarely to this degree. If we're starting to approach players like McTominay and Gunn with a bit more professionalism, and not seeming like we're just trying to get a ringer in for a 5s game, then maybe we'll get more luck.
  13. I'm a fan who has come to the product quite late after watching it a bit when I was younger. I think I started watching seriously on PPV/Sky Sports just after Wrestlemania 29, meaning the biggest moment that has come in my watching was Wrestlemania 30. Absolutely perfectly done there with Bryan's story, and as a result I fucking love the guy. What happened to him afterwards was fucking horrible, and I can't watch his WWE 24 doc without turning into a greeting mess. I am absolutely delighted for the guy. As long as he manages not to die or go all Benoit, he really deserves this.
  14. I wasn't aware of that. It's probably just the dirtsheets making something out of nothing, don't see what would be the harm in just doing what they did above (even though it looks and is fucking ridiculous). Still, with 7 matches at least, plus a Royal Rumble which could well take close to 90 minutes, this is shaping up to be a ridiculous show. Still, believe it'll be a 5pm start UK time on a Friday, which is a nice change.
  15. A friend of mine - also a Thistle fan - has family links to the club, and I played a few games with them on Football Manager, so saw them as a team I had a soft spot for. Haven't really followed them much in the past few years though, although my most recent memory of them was standing at one of the Falkirk Stations with said pal on the way back from watching Thistle win the First Division, and BBC were reporting that Stockport fans had invaded the pitch and set about the players on the way to relegation from the Football League.
  16. Looks like WWE are really stacking the decks for this Saudi Arabia show at the end of April. As well as a 50-man Royal Rumble, there's apparently now going to be 7 Championship matches, which will presumably be both World Titles, both tag team titles, the Cruiserweights, IC and US titles. Also rumoured to be a Network special according to DA BIG DOG. However, there is apparently going to be no women's involvement, or at least none has been hinted at. Perhaps not surprising, but it'll be an interesting position for WWE to take given how much they're trumpeting how important Women's Wrestling is.
  17. Can't see any of the videos as they're blocked, but on the Hardy stuff, apparently Jeff does appear as he filmed scenes before he was a silly boy. Again. Contemplating trying to go all PPV and avoid spoilers all of tomorrow so I can watch the show as-live. Hopefully be some furthering of Cena/Taker, Reigns/Lesnar, and obviously the Hardy/Wyatt stuff. 3 weeks to go until WM - surely they can't keep this momentum going until then? How are they going to f**k it up?
  18. Really, really enjoying the port of Outlast. Like I said before, had played a bit and watched a playthrough of the rest, so kind of knew what was going to happen in the main game, but still good to get through, and a really brilliant example of that type of game before everyone decided they could do it. Think it was one of the first to have that run and hide style, taking any power away from you. Just started the DLC that was bundled with it, Whistleblower, and f**k sake they've dialled up the harrowing element. Where in the main game the design of the areas is such that everywhere is quite simple, with obvious hiding places and long, straight corridors, in the DLC they trade it in for larger but tighter areas, and a lot of badly lit, winding mazes. It's probably bad design if you really get down to it, but it really works with the style of the game, particularly with the guy that's chasing you. A few genuine jump scares in there too, which when you're playing with headphones on a screen just in front of your face, is quite something. I'd give it 5 creepy mental hospitals out of 5. Looking forward to Outlast 2 dropping in a couple of weeks.
  19. Can't see Jericho being involved. Not like he's just filming or something, it's an actual gig that I doubt they'd cancel or anything. Plus, is it really necessary to bring that feud back? Let him come back for something new when he's bored. It's not immediately clear where they go. A triple threat just doesn't make sense to me for some reason, although I'm not sure why. It would certainly be a better option than a Zayn/KO vs Shane and a mystery partner tag match. I still think we'll get something with Daniel Bryan involved. I don't think it'll be a match now with just 3 weeks left, but with him being allowed to be in the ring doing certain things, I think we might at least get him slapping on a Yes Lock or something. Particularly with the show in New Orleans again. It's complete fantasy, but the only Shane match I'd actually like to see (unless it's just 10 minutes of him getting ragdolled in a gimmick match) would be him putting over a face Daniel Bryan.
  20. Got put through a ladder, so by WWE logic, are we now getting a tag team ladder match involving Sami, Owens, Shane and one other? Guess it lets him jump off something, repeatedly.
  21. Yeah, might as well cease International Football if we decide to take up the advantages that every other nation does and actively make ourselves worse.
  22. Just had a watch of the main promos from RAW last night. Cena's one...ooft. When he phones it in it's really clear, but when he's passionate about something, you can really tell. He absolutely sold it, and I don't think anyone has ever been able to talk about Undertaker like he did. Even when Shawn and HHH were up against him, and you'd think they'd be able to get in some jabs. If Taker comes back as the pissed off vengeful old man with something to prove, this could really write the wrongs of last year and put Taker back where he deserves to be. Plus, it's not immediately obvious who wins. I'd assume Taker, but it's by no means certain. Best way to go into a match. Reigns did a very good job once again. Just goes to show that he can actually do a decent job if they don't send him out to look like a moron. It's a simple tale - just go out and show your displeasure - and that helps him. The content of the promo is questionable though - I can see where they're coming from, because the way Lesnar does business makes it clear that he'll make anyone his bitch, but having Reigns say that he's Vince's boy is a risky thing to say given how laughable it is. Only thing I worry about with the match is that their desperation to turn Lesnar into a heel just leads to a match where neither guy is one the crowd want to win. Not quite Goldberg/Lesnar levels, but still. I assume with his "suspension" that Reigns will appear through the crowd when Lesnar finally appears, and they finally come face-to-face. Wouldn't be surprised if he's a no-show once again, and they save the face-to-face for a proper pull-apart brawl on the go-home show. Fair enough point. I was more thinking along the lines of them not having tag teams be kept down too long. If Braun beats them on his own, it's a good WM moment but it does make the division look like shit. Having a proper tag team get them back gets some of that heat back. But agree, Braun shouldn't be a stepping stone.
  23. I've not seen the promo itself yet, but seems like they're going in the perfect direction with it. Despite knowing exactly what they're doing, they're doing well with building up Roman to be a face (finally) against an unlikable Lesnar, and they've managed to put heat into the Cena vs Taker match in a way I never thought they would. I assumed we'd get the howdy doody Cena just wanting a match with a "may the best man win" attitude, but the edge makes it far more interesting. Make it a no holds barred match and have them deliver a scheme booting to each other.
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