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Everything posted by forameus

  1. Aye, not exactly sitting on the fence with that one. Basically sent out there with "just be a complete shit" ringing in his ears. Looked like he enjoyed himself too.
  2. Watching WK12 stream now, first NJPW show I've watched outside of highlights videos with terrible music over the top. Junior Heavyweight 4-way was brilliant.
  3. In the photo on that article, he looks like he should be dragging along one of those portable drips at all times.
  4. I think the Switch is probably the best console I've owned. It's probably purely down to current situation (an 8 month old meaning I'm getting a lot less time to play) but the convenience of being able to play it handheld, then just docking it and carrying on when I can is brilliant. Also picked up Super Mario Odyssey, and it's wonderful. Just concentrates on being fun, doesn't take itself too seriously, and just does what it does extremely well. Will probably keep me away from Skyrim for a while, and could well keep me from Breath of the Wild for a longer time.
  5. Undertaker is apparently (take with a massive pinch of salt) looking a lot better after his hip surgery. With the right pairing I'm sure he could still deliver something good, certainly better than the absolute travesty that was last year. The same report that talked about those matches - if it was the same one I read - also added Hulk Hogan as a possible opponent. Which is...a stretch.
  6. Absolute lock that Ciampa is coming back for Takeover now surely. Probably not in any official capacity, and I doubt he's quite healed, but he'll be able to do enough to cost him the match, and then we're going on to what will surely be an absolutely tremendous match Wrestlemania weekend.
  7. Football Strike is not that bad, one of those "swipe-to-shoot" games. Loaded with microtransactions, but luckily they don't make a huge difference to the core game if you don't use them. Not too much in the way of wait timers as long as you're not terrible at the game, and it's a not bad wee time killer. Score Hero is similar, a bit lighter on the micro-transactions given it's a single-player game, but heavier on wait timers.
  8. Had a few days with mine, and really enjoying it. May have played Skyrim to death before, but it's a new experience to have it looking and playing so good on a handheld. Only negatives so far is the lack of any other apps (I'd like youtube/iplayer etc to be available) and the battery isn't brilliant undocked, but they're pretty minor. Only got Skyrim and Mario Kart currently as the major games, picked up Rocket League and Sexy Brutale from the market place. Next up is Mario Odyssey and Zelda.
  9. It was a stupid thing to do, but nothing more than that. I doubt it ever entered into his head along the lines of "see that lassie there, I'm going to f**k this baw off her coupon like I'm in the Under 20s again". He probably didn't aim for the advertising hoardings either, he just petulantly booted the ball, and it happened to hit someone. Clearly he's realised it was stupid, and he's apologised. The girl took it quite well I thought, handled herself quite well, marking her out as too good for a lot of the absolute heads-gone merchants in the Celtic support. Has anyone said that if he did that in the street he'd be arrested yet?
  10. I was the same. I remember getting towards the end of the Velen section and thinking "is this it?". Almost put it down, like I've done with other critically acclaimed games. Stuck with it though, and once you get out of Velen and on the way to Novigrad, it really, really gets good. Exploring is one of the weaker parts of it, I'll admit. The landscape isn't as "interesting" as a game like Fallout 4, as you won't find landmarks or anything like that, but it makes up for it in other areas. It sounds like their new game will be more like that, and if they can nail every aspect they got right with the Witcher series, and add a more interesting setting, then they'll have hit another winner.
  11. This is the part that always baffles me. It wasn't good for them that they started in the bottom tier, but they could have made the best of the opportunity. Put most of their money into developing the players that would form their core as they rose through the leagues and pick up cloggers on one-season contracts to get you through the tougher games. It really was that simple, yet they fucked it up and are still paying the price, quite literally.
  12. I saw Bleacher Report mentioning it, and that it was a bit less than PG, and hooo boy they were right. Can imagine her getting some heat for that.
  13. Nah, if it was roombagamer, he'd say something needlessly controversial like "W3 is nowhere near as good as <insert obscure JRPG you've never heard of obviously>"
  14. Did he have green shoes on at the time though or is he still staunch for Pedro?
  15. Agreed that it isn't quite as simple, but at the moment we have neither of those, and there's very unlikely to be the funding or appetite to do both, so it's a fair point to make. If we got one of those, we presumably wouldn't get the other due to "it's been a tough year" etc etc. Of the two, I'd far rather the latter. At the end of the day, would having a shiny new stadium (or shiny "new" Hampden with its modifications) make that much of a difference? We've already seen that when it's a big game, and there's something big to play for, Hampden can deliver a great atmosphere. Actually having some success as a national team would probably solve our problems with Hampden overnight. It's hard to bring complaints about the view or atmosphere at your stadium when you're looking forward to a major tournament. If we're shite, out of contention and playing Lithuania at home, we could have the greatest stadium in the world and no-one would give a shit.
  16. I've never really seen the anger around this. They're not having a great season, but I don't get the rage that accompanies them going out and trying to enjoy themselves away from football. Are they supposed to sit in a dark room and think about what they've done? Not suggesting that them going out is suddenly going to turn them into this wonderful team, but not sure avoiding it will do that either.
  17. Triple Threat would be better than any combination of Lesnar vs them. A singles match would be nothing more than the usual squash, so at least with this they can have something different happen. Likely Lesnar being taken out early and then making a miraculous recovery once he's had a wee rest. Plus they can have him pin Kane to keep their raging erection for Braun standing mighty.
  18. f**k, just read back in this thread and realised randyjammy got banned. Gutted. I quite enjoyed the wee weirdo. Like a massive manchild, I think I'm getting a Switch for Christmas now. Still got the Ps4, but short of a few quick half an hour shots on it after the baby's gone to bed, I don't really get the chance to sit down and really play it any more. The Switch is going to be absolutely perfect for that with the portable nature, and I'm going to get right in about Skyrim again hopefully. What's the absolute must-haves currently on it? Odyssey and Breath of the Wild? Never played a single minute of any Zelda game, but heard good things about that.
  19. It's a tough situation for them now. I think they were perfectly correct to deny him clearance for his own good as much as theirs. But now he's absolutely intent on wrestling again, and if they release him they'll essentially be tossing away huge, huge money. Do they stick to their principles and let some other company take the risk, or do they give in, go back on their word and reap the rewards themselves?
  20. Not sure if people care too much about spoilers from tapings (considering it's been spoiled elsewhere already) but tagging them anyway...
  21. Money in the Bank to be a dual-branded PPV next year. One year too late.
  22. Reigns now IC Champion....why? I'm not totally against him like some are, but I just see no reason why they would It seems to me like they're booking using that team-building exercise they used in The Thick of It "Have Kurt replace Roman and AJ replace Wyatt" "YES AND HO" "Use HHH, Angle and Shane in the main event of Survivor Series" "YES AND HO" "Make Roman the IC Champion" "YES AND HO"
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