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Everything posted by forameus

  1. Feel really bad for the women who physically can't or at least don't feel like they can breastfeed. It might be getting a little more relaxed now, but when we were in there was definitely the air that they were trying to concentrate on breast-feeding. I know that if it's a choice between the two then breast milk is always going to win but it must put horrible pressure on a woman who is already in a weakened state to do something they might not be able to do. Especially when you can have totally bottle-fed babies suffering no ill-effects. Wee man is already a million times better than those awful first couple of days. After losing that 11% of his birth-weight he'd gained back about 6 in the day after that. Midwife back tomorrow afternoon so we'll see how he's done, but he's eating like a horse and sleeping quite well too. Still hard times to come obviously, but...well, fucking phew really
  2. After getting Horizon completed I'm back into this, and realised why it was I stopped. I'm pretty much right at the start of Hearts of Stone at that fucking Toad Prince boss fight. I hate it with the power of a thousand suns. Dropped the difficulty level to the bottom just to get past it and still can't. Seething rage quit.
  3. Cheers man We've been home a couple of days, it was the midwife visiting. That's when the hard bit starts! Now that we know the problem with feeding it's getting him (and us) into a routine, like you say. Then we can start getting back into the world.
  4. Day 3, and after another pretty awful night, things are getting a little better. Midwife came this morning to find him in the strop he's been in most of the night and 2 very stressed parents. After weighing him, turns out he's lost 11% of his birth weight in 2 days. Mum's been trying to breastfeed and it seemed to be going well but seems like he was getting pretty much nothing each time. So every time he cried were saying "can't be hungry" when he was just that. Got premade bottles this morning and he's wolfed several down today, sleeping at least an hour each time. Imagine I don't need to describe how much of a relief that is to you guys Murray Andrew, welcome to the world
  5. Guess I better join here - first child born into the world 4:51 on Thursday morning. His mum had to get an emergency section so not the most straightforward of births but he's doing ok now the wee chubber. Not a great first few days for him though, or more for me. Hes a wee star and i love him to bits, but feel so useless at the moment. I know it gets easier but seems a long way off at the moment
  6. Apart from the MITB wrinkle, that's a truly depressing few outcomes. Orton is fine, Mahal could be, Rusev is good and Corbin has potential as a heel. But none of them really scream main event outside of Orton. Hopefully Styles/Nakamura/Owens get involved soon.
  7. I usually just let the machines kill me to reset things.
  8. That's quite a good way of showing it, apart from how close the orange is to the green. Unless they're suggesting draws are some kind of protestant conspiracy, not sure why they choose that colour. Clearly they got their usual stats guy to knock that up, let him go for lunch, and told the work experience kid to do something similar. While it's at the mercy of the research behind it being good, it's nowhere near as bad as that graph. At least the stats from the game have some relative basis in reality.
  9. The Football Ramble shared it, and I'm not entirely sure they did so in jest. Most people took it at face value apart from a few questioning its validity, and the clearly done in microsoft paint-ness of it all.
  10. I'd imagine we're farther away from reaching major tournaments because we're not very good and haven't been for some time. That's absolutely nothing to do with where players are from. Some of your lauded Scots will care less about how they do with their country as the non-Scots you seem to hate. Equating success with this mythical "fire" is antiquated at best.
  11. A few people have now made the point that Orton can be pretty good when he's into the match and opposite someone good. When he's not, he can absolutely stink the place out. That should be a worry to them.
  12. Yeah, if he's confident enough with their fitness, I wouldn't think we'd need someone brought in. Maybe one if he believes that Bannigan/Welsh/Fraser may end up fucked at some point. Priority will be the same as it was this year - at least one center back (depending on who stays/leaves) and a forward who can score goals. I know it's not quite as simple as that, but if we had a third option for when Doolan isn't quite firing and Azeez just bein' Azeez. That would make a huge difference to us
  13. ^^^ Received a fashion violation But aye, Smackdown continuing with questionable number 1 contenders this week with Breezango. It's not even the wrestlers' fault - they're both alright in the ring, and entertaining enough I suppose. But that's it. Thanks to the writing they can't be seen as legitimate contenders. Although if you're going by that, none of them really could. Next week, Bollywood Boys become number 1 contenders to the Smackdown Women's Championship.
  14. I'm not sure of the ins and outs of TV deals, but do you ever think there will come a day where everything gets put on the Network? Maybe still shown on some networks, but RAW and Smackdown played live on the network and available for catchup.
  15. It's quite sad that you're not a troll to be honest. Taking your ridiculous points in order 1) I wouldn't really describe him as anything. Like I said, I want the best options that we have available and who are eligible. I don't care where they were born. I don't care what they sound like. I don't care if they dont know the words to Flower of Scotland, or if theythink a haggis is an animal. 2) It was strong, and aye you are. 3) Again, because they're better options than we have, and they're eligible. It really isn't that hard to understand. 4) Are they eligible for Scotland? Then pick them. If not, then don't. Simple enough?
  16. I'd prefer them to call up the best players we have available that are eligible through the current rules. It's a wacky idea, sure, but I think it might catch on. Not with xenophobic weirdo VLs, but with most people. "Traitor" deary me.
  17. My thoughts too. The media gets their panties all in fankle when we get one "high-profile" poor decision here, and yet in easily the biggest game in Spain, and perhaps in European or World football, there were countless decisions that were absolutely hopeless.
  18. Wee Dully Blue clearly doesn't trust Ryan. He left Scotland, so obviously he may as well be Portuguese now. Dead to him.
  19. True that. They do all the stuff they did a couple of weeks ago, then sell a dumpster drop that, let's face it, most people on here could have survived with little problem, like he killed a man. Then they troll everyone by showing another ambulance and not have him flip that one too. Aside from that, a pretty pish RAW. Bray Wyatt is now clearly going to feud with everyone. Balor was up next, but now it seems to be him, Ambrose, Jericho, Miz...at Payback I expect him to interfere in the women's match to set up a feud there. And speaking of women, I fucking love Alexa Bliss. She's not the best in the ring, but her body language is perfect for the role and she's brilliant on the mic. Cutting down the what chants that floored other wrestlers, responding to the cliched chat they gave to Banks exactly how you would. Only thing that let her down was that cringey "You've never kissed a boy" line, but she seemed to motor very quickly away from that as soon as she could.
  20. I'm beginning to be of that opinion too. The story just gets better and better, and I think I'll be disappointed once it ends. Just a couple of missions to go.
  21. You massive pedant Fixed it for you, but really I don't think getting 6 caps in one game is really beyond Doolan.
  22. Wait til you meet the fire elementals - fucker's already burning! The bestiary is a fantastically detailed thing, but I found that I didn't really use it that often. Most of the time I did, it would say I needed to use some exotically named bomb that I didn't have, so aye, igni works. I pretty much swapped between Igni and Aard on early playthroughs, but Quen is an absolute life-saver as things get tougher.
  23. When I said it was a lot tougher, it was because it wouldn't be hard to be tougher than hiding constantly behind a wall. I don't think I died too many times, just took a hell of a lot longer given all the dodging. But I too made the mistake of just launching myself off the platform, not realising there was a rappel point...
  24. Yeah, first one's a piece of piss, you can just hide behind a wall and essentially get by unscathed. The second one is a lot tougher. Anywhere you can hide he just blows through.
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