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Everything posted by forameus

  1. Mario Kart's shite. Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing is life.
  2. Going by his post he put out after his death, I can see that being true. Only bit that seems a bit odd is why it would have changed the outcome of the match with Orton. I doubt he was going to be around that much if he won anyway.
  3. Can see where you're coming from, but the people who would be guaranteed tickets for the games based on points are the ones who've likely traipsed all over Europe while we were shite. If someone's sitting at full points because they've sat through some of the displays we've shat out, they deserve to be at every match. This is their reward. And just to be clear, I say this as a glory-hunting scrub who only returned to the SSC once we were good after dropping out for a campaign. Only a couple of away games to my name, and certainly not any of the less glamorous. Am I gutted I'm not going? Absolutely, but nowhere near as gutted as someone would be if they were denied a ticket on top points.
  4. He hasn't realised he's in the wrong, he's realised that he's made an utter c**t of it and got found out. Shite apology too. "We exchanged opinions". No, you harangued him and his girlfriend down the street while filming it. I hope McBurnie turns up at his door and hits him again.
  5. Well whaddayaknow, it's another ruddy PPV for WWE on Sunday. And it's...meh. As expected. Some decent looking matches, but nothing that really jumps out as being must see. Doesn't look any chance of a title change unless they do something mental. No interesting stipulations. Suspect we'll get another 6 out of 10 show No. Matches* Stipulations 1 Bobby Lashley (c) (with MVP) vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Braun Strowman Triple threat match for the WWE Championship[28] 2 Bianca Belair (c) vs. Bayley Singles match for the WWE SmackDown Women's Championship[29] 3 Rhea Ripley (c) vs. Asuka vs. Charlotte Flair Triple threat match for the WWE Raw Women's Championship[30] 4 The Dirty Dawgs (Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode) (c) vs. Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio Tag team match for the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championship[31] 5 Roman Reigns (c) (with Paul Heyman) vs. Cesaro Singles match for the WWE Universal Championship[32] 6 Damian Priest vs. The Miz Lumberjack match[33]
  6. Yeah, got to be honest, I've dived in two-footed there, whilst the guy in the Colt jersey is 50 yards down the touchline. Riddy. The paper champion bit is probably more apt. Say, like Moonster suggests and you agree with, that the Old Firm really focus on it and absolutely body the league, going unbeaten or something outside of matches against each other. They then going to put forward a "champion" for the pyramid playoffs that finished something like 20 points behind the "actual champion"? Could even get the case, like you say, that the rest of the Lowland League really bunches together and it's a tight battle between a few teams. 3rd and 4th separated effectively because the combined Colts only put 8 past them and not 9. Some competition.
  7. So basically having two teams in the league where matches against them are basically meaningless, but will still count towards suspensions, possibly contribute to injuries, etc etc. Gee, what a great idea.
  8. UEFA clearly deciding to do the honest thing and stick it to touts by only putting the tickets up for sale at one wee kiosk at Hampden an hour before the game. On yersel' UEFA.
  9. A reaction, aye, but not the one he ultimately got. I think if he'd been after getting a physical battering, there would have been more playing up to the (broken) camera when it ultimately happened. As it was, you got a sheepish reaction. Granted, you probably don't expect the professional footballer to do that, given they shouldn't be. Can't say I'm particularly disappointed he did though.
  10. forameus

    FIFA 21

    If they did that, they'd have to dripfeed content, otherwise you'd have people completing it in 2 days or something. Never underestimate how many absolute VLs there are out there that despise the game, but are willing to spend solid hours before returning to complaining about having nothing to do. Anyways, never mind. You'll get something similar to that soon when you can just straight up buy certain players in the world post-FIFA Points. What a time to be alive. Like so many other things, they've hacked at what was a decent idea and made it worse. I think last year you had something like 20 different icons with different combinations that you could work towards, and it gave you some decent flexibility as to what you picked. All your objectives were also in Rivals and SB. I know that had its issues, but it meant you could combine with going after rewards. This year they massively cut down on which icons you could have, chucked in packs instead (which they can better control) and made you go into the bear-pit of friendlies instead.
  11. And to the surprise of only the ones desperate for it to be his fault, turns out that the original video wasn't the whole story So just hours after a story was published with his side, it's been blown out of the water by watching him say a wee bit more than "lolz you got relegated", and following him and his girlfriend down the street. McBurnie is fucking stupid to react in this way, but paints a slightly different picture than him dishing out an unprovoked battering on a child. EDIT: And on looking at it again, it just shows the shite they have to deal with. I don't want to go all Uncle Albert and start talking about the war, but when I was a teenager, I always thought that if I acted like a dick, there would be consequences, so I often decided not to. This guy started following McBurnie with a camera and firing abuse at them purely because he didn't think there would be any consequences. f**k him.
  12. forameus

    FIFA 21

    New Swaps season out, and a lot on Reddit creaming their knickers over it. Looks likE EA have well and truly moved into the "we've had our fun, now remember to keep playing over the summer before FIFA 22" mode. Was tempted to go back in and start again but I'm not sure I've got it in me to put together all those mixed sides in the bear-pit of friendlies. And even then, once you've done it, what then? Back into the WL? It's sad the direction EA have driven the game down. Granted it's given me a lot of time back, but still. I used to enjoy playing it.
  13. On the one season thing...let's pretend for just a moment that that is their intention. Just...why? What benefit does it serve? What's the point in a full-season league competition where two of the clubs are supposedly going to disappear by the next? I know the answer is that they likely have no intention of just doing one more season, just speaking hypothetically.
  14. Nothing a push down the Firhill stairs can't break/fix.
  15. And conveniently, no part of the video supports or argues against that. I expect all reports online will point towards it, as McBurnie's unlikely to come out at this stage and go "naw ye didnae" (or Yorkshire equivalent if that was him talking). I expect the people goading him will be doing the butter-wouldn't-melt routine, because there's no way they could have possibly done anything to provoke him by being utter c***s themselves, right? And that's not siding with McBurnie, he's been fucking stupid, which seems to be par for the course with him. But the other side hardly comes out of it very well. The reaction to him trying to leather the guys doesn't scream to me like they're the injured party. Hate to get all armchair psychologist, but the resigned "pussy" call sounds a bit resigned, like they can't quite believe there were consequences for their actions.
  16. Think so. Weird to think, just hard to imagine that ever being a good fit. Sounds like Nakamura himself gave it a very firm no. It's an interesting point. Looking at the lists of best entrance themes of all time, there's a whole lot that have that pop-worthy start. Mankind with the car crash, Stone Cold with the glass, Rock with the "CAN YOU SMELL" , Edge, Roode, Jericho's OG one, DX, Punk, Taker. Think of the biggest pops on returns or run-ins, and they all start with that immediate hit of the music. I imagine he'd still be as popular, but would the moments like Stone Cold coming out when he was red hot be quite as good with some of the generic shite we get now?
  17. He was already out injured. If he wasn't, I doubt it would have changed much. Declan Gallagher has done far worse - admittedly served his time - than set about someone who probably thought they could fire abuse at him with no comeback. Still, even though he's probably just reacting, it's an incredibly fucking stupid thing to do. Whilst I'm all for footballers being able to fire back at moronic fans that think they've got a licence to do it with no repercussions, I would have them stop short of smashing up their property, and physically attacking them. He definitely seems like he's not the brightest.
  18. When was the last properly good new entrance theme that you could argue lifts a performer like it did in the old days?
  19. Bioshock came out at a time where Heroes was big, and as a big nerd VL, it appealed to me to have a game where you could toss about fireballs and electricity like an angry God. Story first time around was very good too.
  20. Jim Johnstone had some iconic ones, but CFO$ did the same just in a different way. I assume it was them still doing it, but have they changed again? Everything's just so generic now, the nadir of which being Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly's match being almost ruined by...whatever that was.
  21. Although I've just talked about how much of a missed opportunity 4 was, I think if you're coming into the series completely fresh, in the current era, I'd go for 4. 3 and NV are going to look and feel incredibly dated if you've not got the good memories from playing it before to cloud you, and 4 will at least feel slightly more like a modern game. Of course the correct answer is to play none of them, buy Witcher 3 instead, then send a PM to Mr X telling him how much you're enjoying the cutscenes.
  22. I don't think it made my list, but I'm definitely down for a bit of Fallout 3. Not going to get a clickbait, argument-causing statement from me on that. No way. Not at all. But... I think it was the peak of the series. I think New Vegas felt slightly different, but hovered around the same quality. Fallout 4 I think massively missed the mark of where it could be. A good game, but did everything just about average. It certainly did certain aspects well, but in almost all cases there was a game out there that did them better. Then there was 76. Ooft. 3 was brilliant. Don't really remember it putting a foot wrong, and came at just the right time where it's engine and gameplay loop hadn't grown a little stale.
  23. The one thing that's putting me off is that reviews seem to say it's a ten hour campaign. It's mad its gotten to this point, as I'd always rather have a tightly plotted shorter game that makes sense over a bloated "go here fetch this" type open world game. Reviews generally seem positive though. I've just bought Returnal which I suspect will keep me busy for a while, maybe pick it up in a month or so. Unfortunately it falls into the bracket of games "maybe not the best idea to play when the 4 year old is around"
  24. Have you considered it could be both?
  25. It's definitely a differently paced game to normal. I can see why the first few hours felt like a slog, just like I can completely see why a lot of people will think the absolute masterpiece that is Death Stranding is wanky old pish. I think on first play it doesn't seem as much of a slog as they manage to unravel the story pretty well, but once you know what's going to happen the pacing is definitely noticably slower. Is that a bad thing? Not necessarily, but that's subjective. I think it's one of the few Open World games that seems more like a linear single-player story-driven game that manages to merge well with a wide open world. It's great, was on my list, but not near the top for me.
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