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Everything posted by forameus

  1. Could have been better, but could certainly have been much worse. If we beat who we should beat*, it's going to come down to a mini-league between us, Austria and Denmark. Draw puts us in a decent enough position. * an if the size of the Kingston Bridge, admittedly
  2. I think it's really unfair that we cast him aside just because we found someone with just as big an arse as him.
  3. Given how fucking woefully Austria have defended our goals, let's at least give it a go for 5 minutes
  4. And he was offside too. Fucking lol.
  5. Of all the heids in all the pitch, it had to be the fucking massive one
  6. Don't stop at the hair, he looks generally tremendous. I must be watching a stream from Ireland, as I'm getting the same adverts as usual, but with lovely Irish voices narrating instead. Breaks it up a wee bit.
  7. Did Santina win it? Or worse, McMahon?
  8. I'd recommend picking it up to have a fun weekend with it. They tried something new with the "recruit everyone" gimmick, and it was quite enjoyable. Ultimately a gimmick though, and it doesn't hold up to the number of hours you're required to put in to finish such a game these days. Also pick it up if you're a fan of faithfully created real-world locations. London looks brilliant in it, great to stand in spots in game that you've stood in the real world and have them look exactly the same.
  9. Interesting to see where it leads. Not that Piper's act should have happened by any means, but I still find the complete removal of stuff like that a bit off. I liked the way Disney did it with some of their more...problematic older titles. Just put up a warning saying that there is content that doesn't represent their values as a company now. I'm sure WWE already do that on some shows way back in the day. I think highlighting that it's wrong probably does more to educate than just pretending it doesn't exist. Because if they start pulling at that thread, Attitude Era is fucked.
  10. About the same level as renaming all your rides in Rollercoaster Tycoon. "Tam P had a really good time riding Yer Maw!"
  11. Can't fucking wait to hear Khali's speech.
  12. I'd prepared myself to write a long-form essay about how you're all a bunch of c***s for disregarding my number 1, but with it not appearing on that list, it means at least one of you isn't. Most of you still are though. c***s. Seriously though, this has been an interesting list so far. Nice to see the wide range of games that people absolutely love but are seemingly unique in thinking that. And all been taken in fairly good grace so far. Can only imagine the scenes if this sort of poll went somewhere more general like the wider gaming subreddit. Our esteemed OP would have gotten at least a handful of death threats, and we'd be up to your knees in sexism, racism, homophobia, the whole lot. And we haven't even got to Last of Us 2 yet.
  13. On the subject of radio stations in games, Watch Dogs Legion sounded like they were doing a really good job. Decent mix of songs, and a few of the talk radio stations were down in a podcast style pretty well, discussing the issues present in the game world. All good, right? As soon as you leave the car, or go to a cutscene, it brings your radio station back to the start. Every time. All that work, and even the journey across London won't let you listen to the whole thing...
  14. Who is the co-commentator we're using on the stream and why is he doing his commentary in a small cupboard?
  15. I don't think I "mind" it, it's just...weird. I've always thought the WWE product should be a good mix of everything, your proper main event prize fights, your flippy shit, your whatever-Wyatt-does, and the funny bits. But at times they seem to mix several groups together, and not very well. There's definitely a place for Big Silly Brawn doing mental stuff. He pulled out a grappling hook and pulled down a stage for f**k sake. But it's quite jarring to have presumably a "serious" (ish) story between Shane and Braun, and then you just randomly chuck in train sounds with little explanation. Although if this is the start of Braun going back to being a ridiculous strongman doing ridiculous things, I'm all for it.
  16. I completely agree. It is really, really unfair. Just saying that I don't think UEFA give a shit about that unfortunately. One small crumb of hope in it though, is that I expect a fair whack of people who did get tickets were doing so because they were gambling on Scotland being involved. I'm su re there's plenty of day trippers, but there'll be a lot of those that would've got through SSC too. Not that that's going to much comfort for you.
  17. Yeah, got to say that although it's really, really shit for those that would have gotten some via SSC, this is obviously unique circumstances, and UEFA won't give the shiniest shit about individual associations. Should they somehow manage to miraculously do full stadiums, I expect they'll be happy to give out the allocations. But they're not going to give up any of the limited seating given it's looking like at least half.
  18. Wouldn't be a long chase. No-one at Thistle really enjoys going forward.
  19. Bleacher Report put it well. You're either on board for this, or you hate it, there isn't really much middle ground. It is utterly fucking ridiculous on every level, but given it's probably going to end with another Firefly Funhouse match where Orton gets torn to shreds, I'm happy to see how it turns out. What I don't get is why they've relegated Bliss to doing just the ridiculous stuff. At the end of the year they seemed to moving towards actually having her wrestle in the new character and extend the story a bit, but then completely jobbed her out in the Rumble, and since then all she's had to do was the silly stuff. She's doing well, but there's only so much she can do when the stuff is so marmite.
  20. Yeah, that was a great match, but missed the mark on the finish. Clearly going for the triple threat, which I'm a fan of, but not sure it's a good decision to have Reigns "tap", or for Edge to play the "heel" role. Haud on, are they trying to erase Benoit further by not just playing WM30 as a rerun with Bryan against two heels, but doing the same at 37?
  21. I'll paraphrase. Orton chases Bliss around the ring and spooky shit happens. Wyatt appears from under the mat looking like a melted wheely bin by a canal. All rather anticlimatic.
  22. Wyatt will likely make it work, he always does, but it's like they've made it their mission to see just what it'll take to destroy him. They could have given him time to cool off (pun not intended) really work on what the best way to bring him back was. Nah, baste him and put him under the grill then fucking send him out. Will we do anything else? Nah, f**k it. Just fade out.
  23. I can say that easily given I'm never likely to travel over for a WM. Get one at Wembley or something though...see you at the front.
  24. I was going to say they needn't worry, as people will buy them anyway, but they're surprisingly not even sold out yet. Didn't they go on sale Friday? Maybe people are more cautious than expected, although I guess they'll be taking a big hit given their usual travelling fans won't be there. Although, on the other side, a seat in the block closest to the ring for both nights looks like it'll cost you a cool 4 thousand dollarydoos. f**k sake. A ticket so far away you may as well be on Sauchiehall Street is just $150 for the two nights.
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