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Everything posted by forameus

  1. I don't know...he seemed a lot more comfortable when he got into the middle part, like he actually believed in the words rather than being told to say them. The early part was rough, and seemed a bit more scripted. Or maybe it was all scripted and the middle bit was just the shite he'd been screaming into the mirror for years. But it's hardly likely to change the opinion of people like Vince that he can't talk, when he starts off and...well, can't talk. Should still be given a chance though, along with many others.
  2. Another solid show, but felt like one of the weaker Takeovers, admittedly because most of them are brilliant. Every Takeover used to feel like it was either massively continuing or bringing to an end some big story, but since it's gone live it's not always seemed that way. Wonder if they're moving more to a WWE schedule of building to WM weekend, which I assume will involve the Mega Undisputeds Exploding Also, is Bobby Fish made of fucking glass or something? He very rarely seems to actually appear, and when he does it's rarely competing.
  3. He seemed alright as the sort of slightly comic act who can still go to give something different, but aligning his act with the GME stuff just pushes it for me.
  4. See this is hard to believe. They didn't come up with a contingency in the months it was happening last spring/summer, so I doubt they're planning anything now it's - somewhat inevitably - happened again. I think it's just the now customary way of dealing with Covid related issues. Slap a 2-to-3 week date on it like it's going to be lifted at the end of it, spend months shifting that out by another two weeks and hope that everyone just stops talking about it.
  5. Depends on the game for me. Most of the time with the state of most long-winded games, it's just a case of seeing as much of it as possible before getting burnt out. But there's rare occasions where you get games you simply don't want to end, and can end up putting stupid hours into. I dread to think how much I've put into the Witcher 3 over the years (and platforms). Most recent No Man's Sky save broke the 100 hour mark (probably did about 50 across other saves previously too. Death Stranding was a real shame to finish, think that ended up being about 80.
  6. forameus

    FIFA 21

    I don't think it's quite as black and white as that. There's a difference between putting any money into the game, and putting the sort of amounts that are leading to addiction. That's absolutely not to say it doesn't happen, I think it's far more widespread than people realise. But I don't see anything wrong with anyone putting money in as long as they're a responsible enough adult who is in the financial situation where it doesn't matter. I doubt anyone would see much of a problem with someone putting a tenner line on at the bookies each week, that's similarly tossing money away on hoping for luck.
  7. forameus

    FIFA 21

    I find that the most hilarious part of it all. Tantamount to a big "OH MY SIDES" Paddy Power advert with a mumbled warning at the end. People actually hold these guys up as some kind of moral hero because they say it, despite the fact that they're contributing more towards the situation than any other group. It's pathetic. On all sides. But particularly in the "community" praising someone playing both sides while EA stand above them laughing.
  8. forameus

    FIFA 21

    While that's maybe true, it's effectively a pointless battle. Someone putting even three figures into the game because they can't be arsed with the grind pales into insignificance when you go to some YouTubers account and watch them spend the sort of amounts most people would put into a deposit for a house on a regular basis. People wave it away by saying its' their business, that they get a lot of points free, that they can claim back the tax, completely missing the point that they contribute a fucking huge amount to EA on a regular basis. Sad part is that they only reason they do it is because there's an audience for it. Some guy with a full time job and a steady income gets crucified (not here, we're more measured) for putting a few quid in, by someone who then goes onto YouTube and watches whatever fucking VL they prefer to watch spending far, far more. I'd even argue against EA being that greedy, particularly this year. There's been far less lightning rounds this year compared to last, and a lot less promo packs. They could easily rake in a million in minutes by opening up a lightning round, but they've avoided it. Maybe they're afraid of regulation, or maybe they've grown a conscience. Point is moot anyway, as their greed has moved on to turning the game into a shit mobile-style game you need to put full-time job hours into.
  9. I've played a fair whack of it, really enjoyed it. I'm a sucker for real-life game worlds, and being able to go to places I've worked or visited is great fun. They've done an absolutely cracking job on the world alone. Gameplay though...it's mixed. I enjoy it, but given the hours you're likely going to spend on it, it definitely gets repetitive. It took a while, but when you're getting tasks sending you back to the same locations to do similar things, it's impossible not to notice. I think the things you actually have to do are interesting enough, so it really comes down to whether you like the core gameplay loop. Online coming out soon apparently, o if you've got pals you can do the game in co-op and there's other content. Might extend things a little.
  10. I think 5 gets ignored a wee bit because it's basically a testament to the breakdown between Kojima and Konami, I really, really enjoyed it. I think the open world aspects really worked and refreshed the series massively. The story could have been better, but I think that's the main issue with the split as it was just chucked out in a bit of an unfinished state. Although if you've tried Ground Zeroes and didn't like something specific, then that isn't going to change in 5. Think of GZ as basically being a first-part demo, and ask yourself if you want more of that.
  11. There's a practice in the industry I work in called pair programming that I absolutely despise. Basically doing your job in pairs, one person actually doing it and the other sitting beside them and essentially quarterbacking the whole thing, making suggestions, pointing out issues. I imagine trying to commentate RAW is like that, only the guy you're pairing with is constantly kicking and shaking your chair, and screaming at you non-stop asking you to do the wrong thing. And he's your boss. Must be fucking miserable.
  12. I feel really sorry for people like Cole in WWE. It's clear he's an absolutely solid broadcaster, he's a safe choice for leading a show. But when he's just parroting shite he's being told to say, it really does him a disservice. Didn't he do one of the UK Takeovers once and seemed so much better because we knew Vince didn't travel? Most damning moment was that Taker/Shane match where you say him physically reading the shite, hackneyed line he'd been given. Like his brain was physically rejecting it for how shite it was.
  13. With just as much waving of phallic objects.
  14. Overall that was...alright. Compared to last year I think it paled, particularly in the booking. The Rumble match last year was just so perfectly booked that these ones just seemed a bit meh. Probably didn't help that this was the properly first big show (I don't count WM) to be taking place with no fans. The canned pops just do not work, and it felt like their hearts were never really in it. In an hour long Rumble match, you need more than just the last 30 seconds raising the heartrate. Still, it sets up what seems like an obvious and interesting main event if nothing else.
  15. Surely has to be Reigns for Edge. Where's the heat in him facing McIntyre? Unless you turn one heel, which you shouldn't. Reigns puts Edge down as the final act on the second night of WM, preferably with shenanigans.
  16. Fair play, they had me biting in that last 30 seconds
  17. I have no faith in them picking the right winner now. None. Bryan or Edge. Please.
  18. How have they managed to consistently make Lashley feel like he's not a fucking monster? I think it's because his head looks like a generic Create a Wrestler. In fact, is Lashley the first step in creating Big E? Like, the template you use just after you add body style and strength, but before charisma or personality.
  19. Otis is fucking brilliant. Good addition to the stable of wrestlers who look brilliant throwing other men like they're bags of sugar.
  20. If Kane throws him out I'm fucking leaving.
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