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Frankie S

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Everything posted by Frankie S

  1. Frankie S

    Twin Peaks

    Episode 15 was brilliant. Loved every second of it. Even better than 14. This is really picking up pace now. Can't wait to see what happens, but don't want it to end.
  2. 6 for Monday. Knew 3 (bass player, national park and flag). Guessed vitamin, opera and had a hunch on explorer. Tough quiz.
  3. Frankie S

    Twin Peaks

    Episode 14 was brilliant, easily the best of the series, apart from the already legendary Ep 8. Cole's line, 'Last night I had another Monica Bellucci dream', delivered so earnestly to Albert and Tammy, was hilarious. Haven't we all, Gordon, haven't we all? I know The Return has frustrated and annoyed almost as many Twin Peaks fans as it has delighted others, but as a long-time David Lynch fan (rather than a Twin Peaks fan), with little investment in the kitschy, soapier aspects of the original, I think it's far superior to the first two series, and almost on a par with the majestically demonic Fire Walk With Me. I've watched every episode of The Return at least three times (twice on TV, once on my tablet), and loved almost every moment of it. The ambient drones and unsettling undertones that make up much of the soundtrack are experienced most fully with headphones on, but nothing beats watching this on a big TV, with the lights off, in the middle of the night, allowing this unique, unpredictable show to sweep you away.
  4. Knew 9, scored 8 on the Weakened Quiz. Common error in setting quizzes: the last man to set foot ON the moon is different from the last man to step OFF the moon. Needs to be carefully worded. 'Last man to walk on the moon' is potentially ambiguous.
  5. Frankie S

    Twin Peaks

    Having read a few reports from people who saw Sky Germany's premature broadcast of Ep14, it seems that the next episode is going to be quite something!
  6. That's an absolute beauty. Agree that the Mona Lisa is slightly underwhelming, and that the sheer scale of the Wedding Feast at Cana is overwhelming. As was often the case in these days, the artist (Veronese) included a depiction of himself in the painting, as one of the band of musicians playing at the feast, alongside fellow artists Titian, Bassano and Tintoretto (see detail). Interestingly there are a host of other, non-contemporaneous, historical figures at the feast, including Suleiman the Magnificent, Mary I, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, Eleanor of Austria, Archbishop of Canterbury Reginald Pole and Frances I of France.
  7. 9 for Wed (got vertebral column wrong, guessed spices) and 8 for Thurs (TV show, as usual, wrong and Australian territory).
  8. Not forgotten about this, just had a very busy week at work due to Edinburgh Fringe. 8/10 for Tuesday (missed TV and boxing questions). Will do Wed / Thurs shortly.
  9. Frankie S

    Twin Peaks

    I seem to remember an interview with Lynch in which he said that one of his earliest memories of the cinema was seeing a film in which the projectionist showed the reels out of sequence. That experience has definitely seeped into his approach as a film maker.
  10. Frankie S

    Twin Peaks

    There is no doubt that time is behaving strangely in Twin Peaks. Strangely, it has been reported that Sky Germany mistakenly aired episode Episode 14 this week instead of Epsode 13. Unsurprisingly, almost no-one noticed.
  11. Not if the objective is to build an unassailable lead in the second place stakes. That particular plan is coming along nicely thanks
  12. 7 for me to finish the week. Bond (annoyingly), TV series (inevitably, I'm almost as weak at TV as I am at Aussie sport) and Batu Caves wrong,
  13. A pleasing 9 for Wed, of which I knew 8, on a set that suited me. Didn't get TV show, and landed a guess on Ugandan President.
  14. Apologies for late start to the week's quizzes. Always a bit slow to get going early in the week. 9/10 for Monday. Bizarrely, guessed Aussie sport question, but got the trivial pursuit question wrong. Even though it's been years since I played it, should have rembered that one 8 for Tuesday. TV show and Elizabeth Schwarzkopf (have heard the name but couldn't place her) wrong.
  15. Frankie S

    Twin Peaks

    I have heard from someone 'on the inside' that Lynch is definitely open to a continuation. But as we saw with the lengthy 'on/ off / on" negotiations with Showtime that preceded the production, he'll only do it if given total control again, and the budget to do it properly. It's all a matter of whether it stacks up financially for Showtime to commission another series. My guess is, despite The Return's uncompromising nature dividing public opinion (alienating some hard core TP fans of old) and the comparatively low real time viewing figures, given the largely positive critical reaction and the kudos within the industry that flows from that (the premier of which other TV drama series has received a standing ovation at Cannes?), decent streaming figures, delivery of first time subscribers to Showtime (even if a proportion are short-lived), possible incoming awards (I'd have thought Kyle MacLachlan would be a shoo-in for an Emmy) and undoubted 'rewatchability' factor (this enigma of a series will be endlessly chewed over by fans and critics alike for decades, and is sure to generate solid blu-ray/ DVD sales and future arthouse cinema all dayer/ weekender marathons), it would be a no-brainer for Showtime to green light series 4.
  16. Frankie S

    Twin Peaks

    Well, Ep 12 was nothing like I expected. Much more low key, but quietly subversive nonetheless. Lynch defies expectations at every turn, but that was disorientating stuff from start to finish. Lots of references to characters we haven't met, yet. Don't want to spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet, but a few stray thoughts. It's definitely going to take at least a second viewing to make much sense of this one, and even then...
  17. Frankie S

    Twin Peaks

    Chester Desmond is an interesting one. Chris Isaak doesn't appear in the 'full' cast list that was released by Showtime before the series aired, but it was obviously incomplete as there have been a few brief appearances, some with speaking parts, by actors uncredited in the original cast list (Kathleen Deming as Buella in Ep 1 is an example). This suggests that there may be one or two surprise cameos to come. Would love to see Isaak, or at least find out what happened to him, and of course, an appearance (no matter how brief) by David Bowie as Philip Jeffries, if they were lucky enough to film something before his death, would be quite something, 'Let's Rock' is an expression associated with Michael J. Anderson ('The Arm'), so it will be interesting to see where this one goes. I would agree, the Black Lodge seems a likely destination.
  18. Frankie S

    Twin Peaks

    Loved Ep 11. Candi is a star, the Mitchum Brothers are hilarious, and the whole sequence with Bobby, Shelly, Becky, the kid shooter, the manic horn-honking woman and the sick girl was brilliant. Similar to the lead up to Episode 8, there is a growing buzz about the upcoming episode (entitled 'Let's Rock'). Sounds like it could be a good one!
  19. Was at the 2-0 win against Uruguay this afternoon. Some lovely touches by Dembele: one memorable moment when he brought down a long ball with the deftest of touches and immediately flicked it on to a team mate demonstrated a level of skill rarely seen from a Scottish player at this, or indeed any, age group. He has the ability to ghost past players as if they're not there. I'd say there were a few other players in the team who caught the eye just as much. The right back, Kane Patterson of Spurs, was excellent, another who was technically very good and comfortable on the ball. And, it's not often you say this, but another player who really stood out for Scotland was Forrest of Celtic - Dylan Forrest. Tenacious midfield player, similar in style to Scott Brown, but a very decent footballer too. Promising signs thoughout the team.
  20. Pleasing 9 for Friday. Knew 6, and had varying degrees of confidence (from moderate to high) about the TV show, temple and comparatively-sized country to Iceland. Was between two for the album artist, but went the wrong way.
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