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Salt n Vinegar

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Everything posted by Salt n Vinegar

  1. Not good for the nerves, nights like this. Typical though I've been slagging Haji all night then he does that...
  2. Pretty much the most attacking side I could have come up with. Could be 3-0 but I'm not predicting who for!
  3. Reluctantly, I'm in the "no" camp. Whether we like it or not, you really can't compare the behaviour of fans at, eg. Old Firm matches and rugby internationals. It is sad but true, IMO. There's no point in just wishing that it wasn't the case. The fans' attitudes are different as chalk and cheese. Respect for the opposition (and even the opposing fans) in rugby is pretty common. Not much evidence of that in football. Also, fans at Murrayfield are not segregated. Tell you what, I'll agree to allowing the bevvy back into football when we can have unsegregated crowds at senior matches. I'd love to see it but I don't expect to.
  4. Hiya. I admit that it's just my perception, but I wouldn't have thought that too many of the staunch Union Jack waving, God Save the Queen National Anthem singing Rangers fans would have been planning on voting for the "nationalist", anti-Union party at the May election. The SNP might actually attract votes from the "non-Rangers minded" as a result of sticking the boot in! Just a thought To be fair though, Sturgeon also had a whack at Celtic, as she mentioned events earlier on in the season. Presumably she thought that Aberdeen have suffered enough, as she left them out of it today.
  5. Well, I suppose if you have two arses, you might as well let folk know about it. (Assuming there's one at the back, of course.) If he farts out of both at the same time, does he completely deflate?
  6. SG has a contract until 2024. Any idea how much it would cost to buy it out (in the incredibly unlikely event that he would find Liverpool attractive )? With the ludicrous Sky cash available they will be able to afford it. Dunno who I'd want in his place. Here's hoping he finds the Rangers/Europe challenges enough to keep him motivated until the end of his contract.
  7. Not all Old Firm fans are grim - I'm just back from ASDA (Yes - I go there when I want to feel good looking and well dressed ) I was in the bevvy section - essential shopping - I'll not get through Thursday night without a wee deoch or two. I heard two brave lads in hoops talking about the weekend and one was winding his pal up - he told him that next season, Celtic would have a Bible quote on the jersey instead of a sponsor. His pal thought it was a good idea and asked him which quote it was. The bloke replied "Oh God, why hast thou forsaken me?" It took a second then his pal told him he was a stupid c###. Just thought I'd share....
  8. Couple of points... 1) if some of my fellow old firm fans dislike folks' attitudes about us being "little more than pond life", maybe if some stopped acting like "pond life", that might help. 2) I have been listening to both old firm cubs talking for decades about fans behaviour needing to change and while some of the violence has thankfully gone, the sectarianism is blindingly obvious. I'm in my 60s. Don't talk to me about eradicating it overnight and work needing to be done. It was being talked about when I used to stand under the covered terracing in the days when Stein and then Parlane were banging the goals in, it was being talked about when the Centenary Stand was built and it's been talked about ever since. The police didn't cause the scenes over the weekend, and nor did the Scottish Government, the SNP, or the Club. Each and every one of the idiots who disgraced themselves over the weekend were responsible for their own actions and I will have no problem if the police take action as a result of social media posts and hand out fines. I'd like to think that any season ticket holders might face renewal sanctions as well, but as that would actually require action, as opposed to just words, I doubt it. The seats at Ibrox can be filled without the nutters. We have spent years desperately waiting to be at the top of the tree again. We are once again Champions. It's time the fans started acting like Champions. Let's leave the "pond life" behaviour to others. Have a good day folks - and here's hoping the fans and the team keep the heid in the European ties coming up.
  9. The Radio Scotland 9.00 phone-in is going to be about yesterday's "celebrations". I really hope that our less sane followers shut the f*** up and stay away from it. Idiots trying to defend the indefensible might think they would be helping, but they really won't be. The phone-in is just an example of what I mentioned yesterday - giving the haters another opportunity to have a go. We have lost so few goals so far this season - own goals like that are bloody infuriating.
  10. Nope.... it represents a gentle start to a longer night, possibly culminating in several cheeky wee malts!
  11. Cue campaign by the seethers to convince Guinness, UEFA etc that it's not 55 but 1. "Pal" of mine has already texted me about it...
  12. I hope that isn't any of our arsehole fans chucking in flares after 55 mins. Give us peace ffs.
  13. I can't quite understand what's going on in the game... Has someone told Celtic's outfield players that if they score, they have to go in goal?
  14. "What's the issue?". None, really, except the virus, placing others in danger (including family, workmates and staff at all levels in the NHS) and giving the haters another opportunity to (rightly, IMO) criticise the club and the supporters. Understanding why they did it does not excuse the utter stupidity and selfishness. Idiots.
  15. You are Nostradamus and I claim my substantial prize...
  16. You will now be judged by certain parties as part of the global conspiracy!
  17. Looks like that's my 3-0 bet gubbed then... Still, mustn't grumble...
  18. Not watching the game but seeing these comments... feeling a bit nervous. I see that Jack is subbed off.. I take that's injury, not tactical?
  19. I was pretty much 50-50 on VAR until last night. The failure to award Rangers the early blatant hand ball penalty and the ludicrous 'penalty' against Davis give me severe doubts about the value of VAR now. The problem isn't the technology, or even the time delay, it is the fact that it is useless if the bloke looking at the screen is as much of a balloon as the on-field official!
  20. Well.... another quiet night. Pleased to say that my half time predictions came true., but bloody hell, that was hard to watch...
  21. Hellish end to the half but we should have been 2 up. I reckon we'll still win it. We've not had our penalty yet. (That's my entry in this week's "Famous Last Words" competition.)
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