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Black Pennel

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Everything posted by Black Pennel

  1. Eh ?...anybody asked the SoS league about this bit ?...
  2. Who I picked from a drop-down list because I was brought up in CD and always liked the name....I could just've picked "other"...or maybe "Blackburn"...but then nobody would've taken me seriously...
  3. My god. What fresh hell is this ? Is it not enough that Burnieman can w**k himself silly pondering the current scenario without considering the unpredictable future permutations ? It was bad enough before the Kilbowie Benches p***k got home from school. Don't mind me,...batter in while the rest of us just enjoy watching some fitba.
  4. Ah...tier six is it ?...There are only three teams in the current SoS (in the foreseeable future) who could possibly progress up your glorious pyramid. I don't have that long to wait for it to happen. For the rest of them just about every team down to the current West division 3 would cuff them week after week. Just admit you moved for the money and be honest about it. (Dunipace excepted)
  5. What tier have you decided my SoS clubs will be placed at then, oh great one ?
  6. You mean like the "whataboutery" above about Ballingry?
  7. Pardon ?... They just "found" themselves at that level, did they ?...And somehow you're now blaming their demise on junior clubs deciding not to join the money train when they could see it was a flawed structure in the first place ?
  8. I'll bet nobody at those clubs give a shit what you think.
  9. Should be senior fitba forum for that pish anyway, Jamie....
  10. When does the fitba start up again...?
  11. Maybe the gentleman of the meedja were asking him specifically about the reports of Dunipace moving eastwards and, apparently, another club potentially moving in a westerly direction ?
  12. I know...I was only kidding. The downside of using the tactic is that it then blocks the promotion place for the supposedly more ambitious club which you've already skelped twice on your league winning run. p.s. Some of the bullying & hectoring on this thread is a bit out of order, but you didn't need to go scripto mental just to wind them up.
  13. Don't want promotion ?...just use the Threave Rovers tactic.
  14. Better get the tin helmet on, Goudie...Incoming !!!
  15. Lighten up, boys & girls... I'm pretty sure the comment from Glenconner would've been made tongue-in-cheek.
  16. Turns out the wee crabby linesman was spot on about the first effort after all. I'll have to stop wearing blinkers at the football.
  17. Well, that's the future for Lesmahagow sorted then...
  18. Joe McGoldrick for Ladeside. Just as an aside, the late Cammy Hitchell was one of the finest, and hardest, players I've ever seen. He should've been in the hall of fame years ago.
  19. Hmmm...with regards to the Tinto Park picture...and with the utmost respect to Hillonearth (and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)...the photographic evidence suggests that the vegetation in the foreground is fairly well into the process of decay, the trees are losing leaves and have donned their late autumn / early winter garb,...and the good citizens appear to be wearing apparel appropriate to the conditions...i.e. warm woolly bunnets, puffy jaickets, hoods up & hauns in pockets. Even allowing for the strange machinations of the fixture guru...are these clubs really still playing sectional cup ties in December ? Elementary.
  20. Dreghorn were still going until about 1968...when the leagues were re-arranged I think they then decided to play in the amateur set up. Absolutely no connection (as a club) with either Irvine Meadow or Irvine Victoria. ETA...the amateur club formed at the time might not have been directly connected to the junior club. I think there might already have been an existing amateur club in Dreghorn. Whether they amalgamated or whether they became a different amateur club I don't know...
  21. Sorry to break it to you like this...but your uncle's nick-name was actually "Busty" Harkness. You can work out why by yourself. He was only called "Rusty" by the local newspapers. (Smashing big player, though)
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