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Black Pennel

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Everything posted by Black Pennel

  1. Failed to remove your keyboard ?
  2. He told Tartan Bunnet he could be the secret chief scout.
  3. Great username chief....he might well have been spotted in Largs Vegas but he was seen in stripes at Pollok.
  4. Is this a quiz ? Word salad, maybe ? I do like a quiz...
  5. If so, you'd have thought that the guy who actually was at the West meeting might've mentioned it on the other thread ?
  6. Collective shrug of the shoulders in the West. Except in Clydebank, obviously.
  7. Ocht...you could've gone along with it for a wee while longer. Spoilsport.
  8. If true, then congratulations to Linlithgow Rose. The Lowland League finally gets a decent stadium to visit ...of course, it might also mean that Kelty have been kicked out ? Bummer.
  9. Told you...it's all a bit "Soap". Wake me up when something, anything, actually happens.
  10. While you're there...will Pennyburn Rangers have floodlights straight from the get-go ?...Will the new place be ready for the start of next season ?
  11. He doesn't know he was watching Shettleston play against Lugar. Paul Hewitt was already at Darvel by then.
  12. They're going to play at Bothwellhaugh you say ?... They must call themselves the "Haw Jimmies".
  13. P.S. I may not have spelled that last bit correctly. I don't care. "Giruy".
  14. Comparing the classless John Millar with the blessed Tucker Sloan. FFS & Holy Moley. Anyway...I don't think we've ever seen a club implode during the season before the new guy takes over. Best of luck, Mick...I hope that you and the always entertaining Legend can tell them to "girupy" at the end of next season.
  15. Don't. Please don't. You"ll just encourage the drunken fuckwit. He should've been banned for the earlier comments hours ago. Does this forum still have a moderator ?
  16. Perfectly calm...it's cool maaaan...didn't think you would mean it to sound the way it came across over the ether...the nuance of speech and all that. I managed to upset the Dunipace PR department the other day entirely by accident...then I read back what I'd written and saw exactly why they got narky at me. Gotta be mair careful wae they words. Sometimes the wrang words upset folk unintentially. Be careful out there. Except for thae Be*th bast***s...they deserve it.
  17. Let them have the first game ? I'm sure you didn't mean it but that doesn't sound at all patronising for your new joint venture, does it ?...Good luck to both teams in the refurbished stadium.
  18. Is the player the same "Vernon" who displayed desperately unsporting behaviour during the Marymass derby ?
  19. Yet again,...none of these wee anomalies are really insurmountable problems though...I'm sure that where there is a will there should be a way to get around.
  20. P.S....But I will not take unto me false idols. (Unless they can play like The Messi)
  21. You sir...(or indeed madam)...are a genuine, triple A grade, nutjob. I, for one, salute you.
  22. Steady there lads,...the braying and hectoring will recommence shortly...
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