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chomp my root

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Everything posted by chomp my root

  1. Got the original single somewhere, double A with My Way.
  2. I've a big steak in this lad being brown bread, Vice Captain too. Condolences etc.....
  3. How I see it too, I'm not exactly BFF's with Miguel but fair play to him for stepping up and running it. If he wants to tweak things then fair enough. If its all laid out in the rules then its up to us chimps to be up to speed.
  4. He was my first 'just old' if I was struggling to find 15 (hopefully terminal) younger ill people. Looks like I'll be getting Zero for the Sergeant Major.
  5. I think its called leaving the scene of a crime.
  6. I binned Vervoort too, captain 2 years running as well. She wheely pissed me off, obviously not a woman of her word.
  7. A gutsy call, she got a promotion from me, El Capitano of Team Chomp.
  8. It will be interesting to see who doesn't have Leah Bracknell.
  9. A subtle blend of seasoned vets and young hopefuls sent in, more faith in some of the newbs to be honest, the old hands have previous for failure.
  10. Got about 10 'solids' although I thought that last year. The final five need to be whittled down although I'm hoping the current cold snap will help with this years disappointments.
  11. I tried working once, I can't say I took to it. I'll stick to my trophy husband gig, guess the only downside is I have to pick my dead pool squad from my sofa instead of an office. I'll learn to live with it I suppose.
  12. Thoroughly enjoyed my sunday afternoon watching football/drinking/researching for deadpool. Is there a better way to spend a sunday afternoon ???? Can see some of this season's lightweights being ditched unless the buck the feck up....
  13. Just got an email from Tennents and my (first) glass is on the way.
  14. Usually an insecurity thing, trying too hard. Its annoying but forgivable in the young(ish) but when its older folk doing it then its a bit tragic.
  15. The noble science of necTology needs further study. I'm happy to do my biT.
  16. The big difference between weans and dugs is you're a bit of a baddy for putting a dug in a sack and throwing it in a river. Do the same with a kid and you never hear the end of it....
  17. By the time they're 30 they are usually fine. Until then, they rob you of your cash and ruin your social life. Hang in there.
  18. There used to be a dog stay near us that was named Indiana, I have to thank The Last Crusade for that. Thought it was a good one. It was infinitely better than TOD and the fourth one. Apparently they're going to dig up Indy's corpse and go for 'Son of the return of the revenge of' Indiana Jones V.
  19. The Indiana Jones series could have been so much better too. Short Round was the Jar Jar in that franchise. He has a knack of taking a great plot.... and ruining it. I find the John Williams soundtracks a bit clumsy too, far too overt in guiding you to which emotion you should be feeling.
  20. I'll take that one step further, George Lucas is the problem. He fucked the Indiana Jones franchise up too. As a kid I loved the earlier Star Wars but as an adult looking back he tried to tick all the boxes (aiming it at kids and adults) and he ended up bolloxing it.
  21. Just tried it again on the laptop and it must be looking at IP addresses or whatever too. Will try the phone on 4G.
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