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Posts posted by MuckleMoo

  1. Wasn't a Pfizer single shot supposed to give 90% efficiacy?
    That's what I thought. Bit of a worrying development. Unfortunately the article doesn't say how ill people are becoming or whether they need hospitalized. If they've only got a bit of a cough then the vaccine is doing it's job. If not then it puts a bit of a question mark over the uk's decision to delay the second vaccination
  2. Why is NS hiding (Behind this confidential bulllshit) when questioned about the huge stocks of unused Pfizer we have.
    I know the Healthcare rollout and the carehomes were Pfizer.   If they have decided GPs are AZ then where the fuckk is all this Pfizer gonna go.
    Waiting for the larger Vaccine hubs ?
    Even Willie Thicko Rennie has worked out she is at it.
    She repeats that she is not allowed to discuss the numbers of vaccines available and says there is also a restriction with the Pfizer vaccine.
    Could be. Got the Pfizer one today at one of the hubs in Dundee
  3. Woman in work: "Al no' be gettin' the vaccine, you've nae idea what's in it"
    Me: "What's in the meningitis vaccine?
    Woman: "How um a supposed to know that?"
    Me: "You're not, did you get the meningitis vaccine?"
    Woman: "Aye, how?"
    I will be getting the vaccine. 
    I might be completely wrong in my assumption here but it does seem to be predominantly woman who are anti vaxxers
  4. How long can deaths and hospitalizations realistically keep rising ? It's over 2 weeks from NY and over 3 weeks since Christmas. Schools have been closed for 4 weeks almost and the country has been in this higher restrictions state for 3 weeks. New cases have levelled off too so surely the numbers cannot keep rising beyond the next 7 days tops. If they do it requires serious resource thrown at establishing accurately what is still driving it.

    The media seem to be driving a line that there are a lot more younger (not necessarily young) people seriously I'll plus more without underlying health issues. Whether this is true or it's manipulation to encourage compliance also needs looked at.

    Schools and Christmas were the big "dangers" but they can't carry the can for much longer !
    It takes several weeks for people to become seriously ill or die from Covid. People dying now probably caught it some time in early December, possibly longer. Although infection rates are going down the next couple of weeks will continue to be grim in regards to deaths
  5. On OTB Jason Leitch also seemed to suggest that once they get out of the top 2 or 3 groups it'll be some sort of online booking system (I guess like the tests) to allow people to book their appts presumably at the larger centres rather than clogging up GP surgeries.
    Exactly how I booked my vaccination
  6. Rates might have flattened for now, but number of hospital admissions isn’t going well. Else we wouldn’t be clearing 8 extra wards and preparing our 2 surge ICU’s. 
    People need to remember that the average time from infection to symptoms is 7 days, then the average time to be ill enough to require hospital admission seems to be 10-12 days. A lot of people don’t realise how sick they are with this until they are really, really sick. 
    Infections going down does not immediately impact on hospital admissions.
    Very concerned that the next few weeks are looking like we will see massive numbers of admissions. Scot.gov figures aren’t 100% up to date with numbers in hospital either. 
    Squeaky bum time. 
    Just out of interest and nothing more, but are you seeing any change in the type of people being admitted, age, health issues, that type of thing. Be interesting to hear from someone who's in the middle of it all
  7. Have you seen his performance today with Piers Morgan about the school meals?

    I just watched it whilst trying to find what you were talking about, and I now need an emergency chiropractor to some to my house, having cringed myself into a pretzel shape
    I can't stand the man but Piers Morgan is one of a very few journalists who have held this government to account
  8. Just to address the whole” lOnG cOvId iS a HoAx” on here.
    There is categorically a post-covid syndrome of some sort, particularly in regard to people still having chest issues like breathlessness, chest pain etc a long way down the line from the actual acute infection. 
    I am seeing on a daily basis significant numbers of patients attending with these symptoms 8,9 or even 10 months after getting infected intially. Some are bad enough to need admitted through ED. 
    Call it long covid or whatever you want but it does exist and is not the same as post viral fatigue. 
    Claims for PIP/DLA are going to go through the roof!
  9. The original political idea was herd immunity before the science told them that the NHS would be overwhelmed . They then waited to see what Italy would do and hesitated even more until the virus had already spread the length of the country, reactive government, not proactive. There was no plan B, they had already decided on herd immunity.
    It was carnage in Sweden but the majority of the population behaved and the government trusted them to do just that. Could our governments trust the population of the UK to behave ourselves enough during a pandemic that there would only be light restrictions? Given that at the mere rumour of a lockdown in the middle of March sent the mobs into supermarkets to strip the shelves leaving nothing for others less fortunate. Nor the behaviour of the idiots abroad in Spain deciding that the Spanish restrictions didn't apply to them because 'we are britash'. Despite the horrendous figures recently I still think it could have been a lot worse had the politicians not listened to their advisors, that psycho c**t Cummings had too much power.
    Not defending Cummings as the man is a c**t, but he was actually pushing for a lockdown back in March which the government tried to resist. Reports suggest he was pressurising SAGE to recommend the lockdown
  10. I'm led to believe that the hospitals are struggling to cope, the ambulance service is struggling to cope and some hospitals are even running out of oxygen ??
    Pretty much this.

    The worst case scenario for the government is seeing headlines in the press from doctors having to decide who lives and dies because ICU's are maxed out due to Covid
  11. Seems to always be people who hang about this thread like a bad smell that want it nuked.  God knows what they would do if it was. Return to dissecting small mammals I would presume.
    Think it's the first time I've posted on your thread to be honest.

    Your idea of buying Covid vaccinations on the black market in order to keep league 1 running is fucking tremendous btw
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