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Posts posted by MuckleMoo

  1. I have been re-watching The World At War, the documentary made in the early 70's about World War 2. It got me thinking - what is the best documentary ever made?
    I would vote for this. Made 30 years after the war, they were able to interview very relevant people (generals, ministers, Hitler's interpreter, Karl Doenitz (who took over from Hitler)). Laurence Olivier's narration is just sublime. Any WWII documentary made now would be interviewing historians and wouldn't get the real feel and flavour of what the was was actually like. 
    Any other shouts?
    I know you're wanting some feedback but you might as well close the thread! World At War is as good as it gets
  2. Still some fuckwits giving it the “we don’t know how long it lasts” chat in the replies.
    Genuinely panicking at the idea that the vaccines work wonderfully and that the world is heading back to normality at some point soon.
    Can everyone copy and paste this? Save everyone typing out the same old fucking shite time and time again
  3. There has been a lot of mothballing and such Ryanair for instance are about to ramp up their flights 80% by Mid June if it went off then it could spell disaster.
    f**k getting on a plane anytime soon. If they are anything like my car which hardly turned a wheel during the first lockdown then we're going to have planes falling out the sky left, right, and centre.
  4. I went from xbone to series x, not long got a 4k TV. Its an outstanding piece of kit despite limited chances for difference between the two.
    The speed of launching is one. But playing a game at 60fps in 4k is amazing.
    Have tried at 120fps at 1440 as well.
    Can't wait for games to be pushing it to limits
    Yup, the major issue seems to be the need for a HDMI 2.1 port on the tv. Not many of them about and the cheapest I can find is around £800. Hopefully prices start coming down as more come onto the market.

    Got a bit pissed last night so didn't even attempt to set the console up. Away to do that now and get some games downloaded
  5. Series X getting delivered tonight. Will be my first proper console (not including the Switch) since the 360!

    To be honest I should really have done some research first as it looks like I would have been better off with the S due to my shitty tv. Going to need to start saving for a new one

  6. assessment by the European Union's medicine regulator on Tuesday.
    Appears to be the key to AZ being back on the table in Germany, France, Italy etc.
    I suppose Monday must have been their European day off.
    It actually is in Cyprus, Greece & Hungary so he's maybe away gowfing.
    I think the damage is already done tbh. First it was claimed that it was innefective for those over 65. Now we have further allegations that it might cause blood clots. Factor in that mainland Europe already has a significant number of anti vaxers I think the Astrazeneca vaccine might be dead in the water as far as the rest of Europe is concerned

  7. Not to that extent, but i did fear how bad it would be when i seen the pictures from italy. Never went full lovejoy on it, but it did show admittedly, the worst case scenario.
    As the months went on, i relaxed a bit more (not to the extent of breaking rules) but certainly to the extent of not wiping the shopping down. Etc.
    I can distinctly remember watching Sky and BBC news channels almost exactly a year ago to the day. I'm not ashamed to say that I was absolutely shitting it and my anxiety levels were through the roof at the time.
  8. Got the vaccine yesterday. Really struggling today - slept for 15hours, shivers and thumping headache. Anyone else?
    Pfizer vaccine? I was wiped out the day after getting it and slept most of the day, only lasted 12hrs or so and was fine after. Apparently if you take a reaction to the first dose the second can be even worse. The good thing is that it's obviously getting you immune system ramped up, it's why you're feeling like crap
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