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Everything posted by HeWhoWalksBehindTheRows

  1. Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son
  2. Most of the ones I have seen say "tap card here" on them.
  3. Method Man - Release Yo Delf ( Prodigy Remix)
  4. The Notorious B. I. G. - Going Back To Cali
  5. Case and point. Can't make a word of that out, can you even speak the queens?
  6. Your right, absolute mentalist behavior. Up there with having multiple, multiple accounts on an anonymous football forum. Could probably only be topped if you repeatedly made up outrageous story's on an anon........Oh wait, never mind.
  7. That's why you all must be so funny. Not. Wedgie patter is as fucking honking as the ridiculous played up accent. Billy connly - " jobby jobby look at ma green hair I'm a mad working class wedgie " not funny Bridges -" in Glasgae we call it an empty, def in atly, im a mad working class weedgie" not funny Boyle -" You look like a lion shagged a wardrobe and you were born, politics, politics, Jordan has a black baby, I'm a mad working class weedgie" Played out, the lot of them, years ago.
  8. Shite. Diddies don't release statements about absolutely everything. Long night on the bottle old yin?
  9. In almost my whole life up here a Teuchtur has never said ken. That's a Perth, Edinburgh, Aberdeen saying.
  10. Pre orderd game and beta is up now ! Just made up my character
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