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Quitongo's Left Peg

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Everything posted by Quitongo's Left Peg

  1. I love that he is asking ex-Rangers players and managers to join the protest. Wonder if Kris Boyd will be there
  2. I didn't put any words in your mouth. You posted a sarcastic wee dig at the Premiership that was more than enough proof of your views on whether we miss Rangers or not. Let's park that to one side for a second okay? What else from my post did you disagree with? Go on, prove everyone wrong and show you can have a reasoned debate after all. WRK, jupe... I have avoided this corner of the forum for a while, but have been bored after meeting deadlines in the last few days so have ventured to the dark side for a giggle. Is Bennett an alias?
  3. Okay, well then it shouldn't be too difficult to locate them and list them here. Seeing as "all" of the chairman said as much. Or is it more likely that things have been said in the past that have been proven to be incorrect by one or two individuals? If you dispute the things I've said in my post then feel free to have a debate with me as I said previously. You couldn't make it up. Bennett, who just a few posts previously refused to address points made, is now telling someone to address points made. FWIW, I have commented on the original thread in the Premiership forum on the subject. Oh and"looking for dots"? You mean me speaking the truth as I see it?
  4. "all top flight chairman". I guess then you'll have these quotes from "all" chairman citing Rangers as the reason that we're "struggling"?
  5. Yep, I used the editing function to highlight the statement that YOU yourself made. One that suggests quite clearly that you believe Scottish football is floundering without Rangers at the top table. Anyway, petty point scoring aside - what parts of my post did you disagree with?
  6. But, Rangers died, mate.

  7. At Killie last season, he knew he had to work hard in order to help the team. He was tracking back, winning tackles, and most importantly - scoring goals. Kris wanted to stay and put an offer on the table detailing his demands (which weren't unreasonable), but the board couldn't sanction a new contract until our Premiership status was cemented. Then once it was, our chairman messed about and Rangers came in and offered what was apparently six times what he was willing to stay at Killie for. By the time we got round to offering him a deal, Rangers had already won the battle. You just have to look at his chance v Raith. A shocking miss, but nobody is looking at the movement to get into the position in the first place. There aren't many in the country with that level of natural ability to be in the right place at the right time. If that had been last season then that would have been in the net, no question. What's to blame for that? A management team bereft of any real coaching ability doesn't help, but he isn't motivated enough to want to succeed. I have no doubts that he'll return to Killie in the summer in a player/coaching capacity, and he'll score plenty of goals again. Heck, he even still coaches our youth teams on Monday and Tuesday nights.
  8. There's some amount of irony in the fact that Rangers play a song with the line "Roll up and spend your last dime" at every home game. Not so much a line in a song anymore but a pleading to their supporters to save them.
  9. Here's my issue with Rangers fans like Bennett and their continued assertions about Scottish fitba' with or without Rangers. When Rangers were liquidated and returned as a newco in League Two, their fans turned out in decent numbers around the country. Great! Money was then being passed around smaller clubs that, a favourable cup draw aside, otherwise wouldn't have seen it. These clubs were able to put some money away, invest in ground improvements, sign new players etc. Of course, that figure would have been much higher had the policing/stewarding needs not been so high. But onto the fable that the Premiership clubs "need" Rangers and the money they bring. We don't, it's as simple as that. Would we like an extra big gate or two every season? Of course we would. But it's in the same way that I'd like to wake up next to Jenny Lewis every morning, but I don't actually need to in order to survive or be happy. What Scottish Premiership clubs have done in Rangers' absence, is cut their cloth accordingly. That might be an alien concept to most Rangers fans given how their side has tried to borrow their way through the divisions, but trust me when I say, some clubs do. Part of cutting your cloth is reducing unnecessary salaries, and that tends to be in terms of first team players. How do the clubs then fill the gaps left by higher earners leaving? They promote players from their youth academy, that's how. St Mirren e.g. have given regular first team football to young talents like John McGinn, Kenny McLean and Stephen Mallan. Kilmarnock have done the same with Robbie Muirhead, Craig Slater, Mark O'Hara etc. Both of those clubs have won a major trophy in recent years. Dundee United, Aberdeen... Heck, everybody else is too. So having less money has enabled clubs to do what they should have been doing all along, and that's developing players. Rangers spent £14million in building Murray Park, and that's before we even look at the day-to-day running costs which will be astronomical. Yet how many of the current Rangers team came through there? If you look at the team that started the loss to Raith - one player came through Rangers' youth system. And he's absolutely brutal. Rangers had the ability and the infrastructure to start developing their own young players properly after starting again in League Two, but refused. Seemingly it's not only Rangers fans that are under the belief that money is everything and we have to spend, spend, spend to succeed... If Kilmarnock, St Mirren and co. can produce and develop young players capable of making an impact in the Premiership then why can't Rangers? Arrogance and pigheadedness. The same arrogance and pigheadedness that will see folk like Bennett claim that the rest of the country needs their cash to survive. There's only one Scottish team that needs Rangers' fans cash to survive, and that's Rangers themselves.
  10. A) It doesn't. B) It's not "booming", but then it wasn't "booming" when Rangers were in their pomp either was it? Since Rangers died my club has wiped its debt, Aberdeen has wiped its debt & Dundee United has wiped its debt. Rangers on the other hand have accumulated more and more debt in an attempt to buy their way through the seaside leagues and are close to dying. Again. I'm starting to think that Scottish football doesn't quite need Rangers, but that Rangers desperately needs Scottish football.
  11. Rangers going into administration, and the fans immediately began rallying behind the club. First game post-admin arrived and Ibrox was sold out, the 'folk songs' were being sung at the top of their lungs, and protests were ongoing outside the gates. The primary school pupils in their support got creative during 'free play', and with some help from the Green Brigade friends banners were made to proclaim that they wouldn't let anything happen to the club they all love. Finally, the teams emerged to a crescendo of noise. "There will only be one winner" they guffawed . "The crowd will inspire the team" they claimed.
  12. Or is he? I assumed when Sharon said that he had other business to see to that he hasn't actually been released and she was playing the big'gun. Saying that though I imagine he'll be out for the live episodes.
  13. Efe Ambrose is often lauded by Celtic fans/the media (is there a difference?) as being technically a good footballer, but prone to lapses in concentration. I'd disagree. When Ambrose first joined, he kept taking the ball out of defence and usually getting quite far up the park. Was this because Ambrose was a technical wizard in possession? Nah, when a centre back takes the ball out from defence the opposing team rarely has a plan to deal with them - ie other players will have their own markers or gameplans, so have to leave that in order to try and take the ball from Ambrose, which in turn leaves more space for him or a teammate to run into. As for whether he'd get into any other side? Meh. I'd rather have him than Pascali in the Killie team, but I wouldn't have him over Connolly.
  14. One thing I'd love to see added is a "feud" function. For example - everything from how the feud started, through every promo/match (whether it be on Raw/SD/PPV/Nitro/ECW etc etc) to the feud ending - all in place. I guess it depends how much they were getting "per buy" from PPV providers worldwide. Punk mentioned on his interview that a lot of the guys were worried about that very thing.
  15. An I.Q. of "170" and can't use the quote function correctly. Yup, Kilmarnock are renowned around the globe for our hatred of Scientoligists but the club have been actively trying to cut down on the songs which have no place in Scottish football. You once beat Inter Milan in a cup final and never stop banging on about it.
  16. Correct. Well done. You're correct again. Of course your income isn't exactly affected by the thousands of fans that choose to support a big team from a city they live hours away from and have no real link to, in Scotland and elsewhere. You can indeed sign the best players available to you. Yet you still regularly fail against much smaller teams, with much smaller budgets. See, 18th March 2012 e.g. Which must be a bit embarrassing. Jealousy? Pffft. If I ever start being jealous of a club with a shady history and a bigoted percentage of supporters then it's time for me to start watching Netball. My team has won every major trophy available in Scottish football, and I personally have witnessed us win two of them. We've played Real Madrid in Europe and were unlucky to go out, and we put the German champions out after being 4-0 down ten minutes into the second leg. So forgive me if jealousy about Celtic isn't my modus operendi for life.
  17. Celtic fans bragging about being the best team in Scotland is about as ludicrous as me going into a primary school playground, grabbing a football and running rings round the P4's before claiming to be better than Messi.
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