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Brashy's Boots

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Everything posted by Brashy's Boots

  1. Interested in which players of ours you DO think are better than yours.
  2. Ach, you know what it's like when you play the teams towards the bottom of the league who don't have much quality. Any old spoilers will do. Luckily, we can rise above it.
  3. Moffat looked to be a decent player, although should have done better with a chance or two, but Jakubiak, appropriately for this time of year, is an utter guiser. Dabrowski's double save was superb. He's fairly settled down.
  4. And yet we were treated to choruses of "Joe, Joe, Super Joe" when he came on.... Pleasing.
  5. Andy Barrowman says >100 already and vast majority at £20, in his interview.
  6. Delighted to have seen us break this ridiculous hoodoo. I don't want to take anything away from KDs performance in goal today but Watson was on his case at least twice for not commanding the 6yd box. One incident in 1st half in particular when he saved from a header saw Watson grab him, not to congratulate but to remonstrate that he should have been claiming the ball to deny the header in the 1st place. The saves he did make were top class, and his distribution looked better too. If he can keep working on that command, as I'm sure he will, we'll all be quite happy. The rest never really got going today so for Gullan to launch that missile after a nifty cut was very pleasing. Top o the league and you're no....
  7. Interesting double sub there from Bullen could turn the game....
  8. Apart from any strikers, aye he's got the players right enough....
  9. I see Ayr used up all their luck last year in the "mystery striker from the English leagues" wheel of fortune.
  10. What sort of convoluted hypothetical bollocks is this? Get back to your usual bollocks about squad rotation and giving youth a chance.
  11. Aye, enough of this flag pish. Interview with Callum Hannah is a good watch. An intelligent, humble laddie, who clearly still feels like a competition winner, signed by his beloved local team. I really hope it works out for him. It truly is Boys Own stuff.
  12. Listen Sherlock, these bams were photographed with their flag alongside, and therefore identifying with, UDA flags. There's no investigation required. They're not welcome at our club.
  13. Anyone who thinks this isn't a problem is part of the problem.
  14. He nearly had me greetin' too at the end. Lovely stuff. Loved also the on pitch camera at end of highlights. Would have been even better if edited a few seconds longer to take in the south stand raptures.
  15. Not sure it's a perceived lack of determination that drives supporters to dismay, and dismayed comments, so much as flinging in an equaliser for them then going behind. We can't keep going on saying we'll score one more than you. Can we?
  16. Peak Rovers. >2000 home support. Early lead. Opposition player sent off. Kebab pies in kiosk. Thrown that lead away to 10 men and now trailing badly... There will be booing.....
  17. Aye, I thought that. I hope so. Would gladly have kept Mitchell in squad but if he's asking for game time, as I hope he is, then I can understand it.
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