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Brashy's Boots

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Everything posted by Brashy's Boots

  1. If so, we'll at least be guaranteed a few free kicks in Lewis Vaughan range.
  2. It sure looked like goodbye at the end of the game on Friday.
  3. How were Kevin Nisbet's stats before he joined us? Players and clubs sometimes click. We've had plenty of examples. Sometimes they don't. We've had plenty of those too. No to Todorov or Akio.
  4. Apart from that international accounting firm he runs? Apart from that?
  5. Neither Thomson nor McNeil are regular Championship level starters. Particularly in what will be an even more competitive Championship. We need a 1st choice keeper if JMc is indeed leaving.
  6. These really are superb. Well done and a hip-hooray to anyone involved.
  7. I presumed they had to go and get 2 biscuits and a glass of milk before bedtime.
  8. I look forward to the voices of some of the young team breaking over the close season. Must surely be the youngest young team in the league. And if they are to persist with 2 drummers, a) practice playing in time, and b) gonnae give us a break at half time? And if someone could explain the basics of amplified sound to John Greer, maybe he wouldn't shout so much into the microphone. Yes, I'm old.
  9. Surely Akio's best game. OK, best half. That shot towards the end forced an astonishing save which would have put them oot the playoffs, which would have been pleasing. Agree Jamie looks like he's away, which is sad, but I'd also be happy to keep McGill. Exciting times ahead. Looking fwd to all that's about to unfold.
  10. Don't bother with the notes. I think everyone wants to watch the interview itself, and if they don't, it beats the shit out of me why not.
  11. If you think this is exciting, wait until you see the plans. Big LED screen on the Pratt Street facia of the main stand, anyone?
  12. Tex, I was an accountant in a previous incarnation so I'm not suggesting for a moment that cost isn't a consideration. Of course it is. But I'd argue it's a board consideration. IMs remit is surely to identify, recommend and justify targets to the board on the basis of squad /team needs, and the board's remit to approve and negotiate, largely on the basis of cost and potential return. And maybe keeping the manager happy if he's well thought of. IM will have his wish lists for shopping and dropping and I hope he presents them without poring over spreadsheets for too long. We've always found a few bob beyond the hard budget for the marquee signings (Skacel, Daly, comedy John etc) from one source or another, so I hope he pushes his luck with a few names. Guessing wages is a fool's game. It's just a guess. Not an educated one, unless you have intel, and doesn't factor in signing fees, phasing of any such payments, win bonuses, goal bonuses, appearance bonuses, contract milestones, player clauses, sponsorship etc, and I don't think it adds anything to conversation.
  13. *possible / assumed / guessed It's the passing off of such imagined information as fact which frustrates. I'm sure IM is compiling a plan of who he wants (and doesn't) so he can deliver the style of football he wants us to play. I don't think he's looking at cost first, for shopping or dropping. It's got to be along the lines of "Brad Spencer slows us down and I want us to be faster in midfield. Who fits the bill?", rather than "Who can I get in midfield for £xyz?" Note - I didn't pick Brad Spencer at random.
  14. Have you got any intel on their wages, so we can make a decision which factors into our arithmetically assembled squad?
  15. I didn't say he was. Like you, I have no idea what he's on.
  16. On what basis do you reckon he's expensive? Because he's handsome? Remember where we got him. I'm not sure I agree with your valuation.
  17. Will you be buying one, what with the "village idiots" as you call them, in charge?
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