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Brashy's Boots

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Everything posted by Brashy's Boots

  1. In your humble opinion. I have no intention of driving to Aberdeen to watch the Rovers play Cove. Doubt I ever will, but I'd happily buy a streaming ticket. So instead of getting zero from me, which is how much they'll get tomorrow and the next time we play them there, they'd get a tenner a time, or whatever the charge. Which is the opposite of a loss. Yes of course, if everyone had that attitude matchday ground attendances would be affected, but they don't.
  2. You haven't read the previous posts, have you? And stop shouting.
  3. Cheers Renton. That'll be that then. Makes sense to remove a valuable revenue stream from clubs, eh?
  4. Is there PPV from Cove Rangers? Can't see anything on either website.
  5. Tazz can't be far away. Connell played for the Fife so I'm waiting on the wholly objective critique.
  6. Right. That's a centre half and a striker in the door. Can we all just calm doon a bit?
  7. That history was largely put down with McGlynn at the helm. We suspect now that his training and rehab of injured players was something akin to the Burma railway.
  8. If Poplatnik signs for another Championship side it'll be some laugh in here.
  9. I'm pretty sure he does. It's his job. Have you got any clean knickers left?
  10. The fact most of the criticism in interviews has been about the defence. A defence with only one recognised centre back. He has probably got peeved at being criticised when the manager Seems to have no clue as to signing targets. You're basing this on what? That he hasn't phoned to tell you who he's after? Or told the press and every other club who his targets are?
  11. I don't think Poplatnik is the answer and have said so a few times. For every cup final hero performance there's a dismal one against the Pars. BUT, as we've seen, it's tough out there. No-one is signing anyone exciting and the only forward player gone to a rival that I'd have taken is Danny Mullen to PTFC. So, I still don't think he's the answer but if the pickings are going to be as slim as they have been thus far, and if it's him or an unknown from dahn sarf, I'll take the devil I know. If the rumour is true.
  12. Selective, faulty, rose tinted memory. He was abject more times than deadly.
  13. Pull the offer for Spencer? The one he's accepted? Terminate his contract? Someone is all over the place, for sure.
  14. Clearly, what Murray should have done by now is go to the striker shop and get the best one available, then nip next door to the centre half superstore and get a couple of them. It's that easy. Does anyone here think that he thinks the squad is done? You've heard him saying anywhere between 1 and 3 new faces this week, all being well. It's literally his job to manage a squad and he's been doing it for a number of years, after a pro playing career, but some Johnny know it alls on here think it helpful to point out some deficiencies he might have missed. Who would be a manager? Apart from some of the experts on here...
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