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Brashy's Boots

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Everything posted by Brashy's Boots

  1. He's not "left us still woefully short". He's just not got to it yet. Chill oot a bit, ffs.
  2. Who are these players who can score from distance yet are not being utilised?
  3. As has already been pointed out, there were plenty of games, even in that run, where he was anonymous. Take away that 4 consecutive game purple patch from QOS away to the cup final (where he was excellent tbf) and he scored 6 goals in 40 appearances and 2 of those 6 were scored against East Fife and Banks O’ Dee. Poplatnik is not the answer.
  4. Our recent injury woes - Spencer again and Matthews - make me wonder again about something someone said earlier. If Spencer's injury is described by Murray as something which should probably have been looked at earlier, and Matthews needed surgery on a problem which was bothering him last season and no-one got to the bottom of, it arguably points a finger at our management of injury and recovery under McGlynn's reign. That in itself points toward training intensity, frequency etc, and I just wonder if some of our notorious bad luck wasn't at least in part, self inflicted. Be interesting to see how we fare this season, and how Falkirk compare.
  5. Worst thing about tonight was McGuigan1978's new coat. A stramash!
  6. Not sure what point there is in listing trialists and not playing them. The boy can't do much leaning against the barrier in a training top. At the moment he could slot in anywhere - we're poor from back to front.
  7. Not BRS unless he's contracted some horrific wasting disease.
  8. Surprisingly Zanatta needs to get the finger oot. Has made Millen look worse than he is by being lazy and Berra looked fit to skelp him one there. Otherwise, Brown looks promising, as does Easton, but shot-shy. Dick doing OK at CH but not tested yet. Game looks like the friendly it is.
  9. It looks like a Raith top to me. Raith colours and a Raith badge, recalling strips from the past.
  10. The club will have made a tidy sum today at the strip launch. Queue to buy was a long one, with lots of families buying more than one.
  11. Strip is bangin but I sincerely hope the team is better organised than the open day....
  12. Eh, sorry for having an opinion at odds with yours Stig. Ian Murray seemed irked by it too but maybe we're both wrong and you're right.
  13. Thomson for that goal though....... Never been convinced by him I'm afraid, and that hasn't helped. We need a solid back up for JM.
  14. Still too many pairs of knickers getting soaked in here.
  15. Some amount of knicker wetting in here, coupled to some blinding insight. I hope Ian Murray reads it and sees we need defenders and a striker. Lack of anyone signing does not mean nothing is happening. Can we just let the professional football manager do his job and wait patiently to see what he comes up with? As for Musonda......Mehsonda.
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