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Brashy's Boots

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Everything posted by Brashy's Boots

  1. 2022 isn't finished yet. Plenty time for him to get at least 1 home win. Months, in fact.
  2. I wasn't going to point this out, because I hoped the humiliation at the time would have been enough, but yeah. That.
  3. I seem to remember a previous programme editor being relieved of his duties for what he wrote at the end of a previous season...
  4. Half way through McGlynn's post match interview when he talks about it being our last match - is he referring to last of the season or last in charge? Both? Looks to me like he chokes up a bit. I want him to stay.
  5. Yeah I thought the announced attendance was suspiciously low. Home end was pretty busy - at least as busy as normal.
  6. I'll say this quietly. I thought Mackie had a decent game.
  7. Scrambling to gain one-upmanship over a rival because they failed to beat you this season, who finished 5th, 15 points ahead and with 17 better goal difference is quite the look for a team finishing 2nd bottom and beaten at home in a critical match by an already relegated team. But hey, good luck in the playoffs eh?
  8. Agreed. That's why I'll be going tomorrow instead of watching from home. Much as I hate to see others celebrating at Starks (Rangers premature title party apart), if it IS to be his last game, he deserves some recognition. I think we'll see from body language whether he thinks he's going or staying.
  9. You don't know that decisions haven't already been made, and we've just not been told.
  10. Yes, I know. It was a hypothetical position, challenging Michael W, but it's all getting quite muxed ip now, so let's leave it. I'm for keeping him. McGlynn, that is, to avoid any further confusion.
  11. I was assuming he'd been given a 2 yr contract, which would therefore have had a year left to run.
  12. These Raith TV slots with players talking about their team mates repeatedly describe Berra as separate, quiet and not part of the banter, in the club or even on the bus. One of the lads he is not. I don't think this would be the usual transition from player to manager, were it to happen. Makes you wonder how long term a plan it was when we brought him in.
  13. Mental. Disappointment perhaps, but failure of the highest order? The same as automatic relegation would have been? Going out 1st shout in every cup competition? Being in the relegation playoffs? You need to remember who we are and get some perspective. Or strong medication.
  14. If you were happy to offer him a new contract at the end of last season, and he had got one, would you have been clamouring for his dismissal now, costing us more £££ or would you have let him continue and rebuild?
  15. I think it's plausible, maybe probable, that contract decisions would be left until the season's outcome was assured. Whilst mathematically still possible for us to reach the playoffs, albeit by way of a freak Mor-ten type result, it's really only Saturday there that it in reality became a remote chance. I suspect / hope contract discussions will be ongoing now.
  16. Except we now know the reason he's not signed up is that he hasn't been offered anything. And had he, he would have accepted. So.....
  17. I think he's staying, judging by Sim comments, and whilst I'm pleased about the decent players already under contract, something someone said a wee while ago is in my head. McGlynn's record with strikers is arguably not the best. I get we want to share them around the team but goals from a natural goalscorer could have meant the difference in so many games this season. And I also get that every team wants such players but we've struggled for what seems like forever, or at least since Nisbet left. That's the area of the team which I'm most looking forward to being fixed.
  18. So no, you've nothing more than "Protest." Cheers. Some boy for the sweeping generalisations though, I'll give you that. And your obsession with us is now such that with minutes to go until what is arguably your biggest game of the season, you're on a Rovers forum. Rent free in your tiny wee misshapen head. Which is nice.
  19. We won't win. If by some bizarre happenstance we do, the same arseholes who sing McGlynn's name will undoubtedly sing it again. Have you any better suggestions on how to remove an extremely wealthy owner who doesn't want to go? Or is "protest" as much as you've got?
  20. I fear your grip on reality is shaky Claude. We're not looking for 3 points - we gave up weeks ago. There is no air of a cup tie - you've made that bit up, and as for it being a good game, it won't be. We are shite. Partick 0 v Raith 5 (McKay 3, Stanton, Williamson)
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