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Brashy's Boots

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Everything posted by Brashy's Boots

  1. Nearly 30 years ago, the first issue of Starks Bark carried an interview with Frank Connor. If anyone wants to see it I can take some pics. Younger readers - Starks Bark was a fanzine. A fanzine was like P&B, but printed. Frank is an all time Raith legend. His achievements would be considerable at any club, never mind the shambles he found when he started. Gordon Dalziel, Jock McStay, Hamish McAlpine, Alex Brash, Ronnie Coyle and many others were all signed by Frank. RIP
  2. So, Dan Armstrong. I was in a minority, I think, who considered him overrated when with us, and not half the player he thought he was. I remember fondly the initial impact he made but quickly thought his decision making suspect and his supreme confidence unfounded. I shed no tears when he left the 1st time, or the 2nd time, indeed I'd resorted to calling him Aaaarrggghhmstrong whenever an over elaborate flick failed, or he conceded possession or another set piece missed all targets. Yes, he scored a couple of beauties, but just as many times gave the ball straight back. And so McInnes wanted to give him a chance last night. The fact he needed to be given a chance says a lot. Maybe he was still recovering from being roasted by Tumilty during his goal in a previous game, but if last night was his chance to impress, I suspect, like many of his set pieces, he's missed the target. Again.
  3. Those are pretty standard bonuses, for any player, in any squad.
  4. This is just something you've heard of, eh? You don't think it applies here, do you?
  5. A lot of knives being sharpened for McGlynn on social media. If he goes, sooner or later, 2 questions; • who is a likely contender for the job? • who do you really want?
  6. If he refuses to budge then yes, it will be very expensive, but he will. Everyone does.
  7. I don't have the time or space to explain it all, save to say it's called a compromise agreement for good reason. Very few people get all they're entitled to because they settle for less for the chance to walk away and get out of the spotlight. I've never seen anyone get every penny.
  8. As someone who has negotiated several compromise or settlement agreements in my time I can confirm this commonly takes weeks. There are many contractual elements to consider and lawyers will make proposals and counter proposals, back and forth until the agreement is reached. And lawyers aren't sitting around waiting for new iterations to appear in their inbox every day, so time drags on. All of that said, I'd expect it to be nearly done now, and ready for signatures by both parties soon.
  9. You've no idea about many things. I'm sure the guys'principles and what discussions have transpired between them and the club are just 2 of them.
  10. I agree theres nothing contentious but it's a missed opportunity and says nothing new, really, save to confirm the board have no intention of going anywhere. Bah....
  11. Have you read it? That's what I meant - clearly no consultancy taking place.
  12. OK, so clearly NO PR consultant helping the club at the moment....
  13. Tumilty's performances have improved too. Not quite start of the season stuff but better than the last couple months. When he's on his game there are few better. I hope he's regaining some form.
  14. A patch would have been better than the company name of one of the board who voted for DG.
  15. Surely having Steven McDonald's company name on the shirt is making a bad situation worse?
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