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Brashy's Boots

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Everything posted by Brashy's Boots

  1. "Flown"? Can you fly a bedsheet? If you mean the one briefly unfurled at the back of the stand by one of the young team before he was shouted down by his own mates (and a good many others) and it being put away as quickly as it appeared, then I can absolutely confirm it didn't fly anywhere. A silly laddie whose mates sorted him out does not an entire support make.
  2. Not for the first time, you're clueless. His contract will be terminated by way of a very ordinary compromise or settlement agreement, which is why it takes some time to exchange between lawyers. The depth of your current obsession with RRFC smacks of nothing more than GIRUY and cheap point scoring. Give it a rest.
  3. I understand View From The Terrace is going to be Rovers heavy this week. Those of sensitive, flaky or downright dodgy dispositions should maybe avoid it.
  4. Having to scroll down the Championship page to find the Rovers thread. That's a novelty these days.
  5. Jesuschristalmighty. Not for the first time you've lost the b*****d plot. Get away to your bed.
  6. It certainly would. The message being, we want to make things worse around here so instead of getting a vital cash injection when there's no other income, we're keeping our money and hoping that the fairies save the club.
  7. It's that or throw myself in the traffic. There's There's few in favour of the latter but not enough so far.
  8. Yes indeed. Marty G is quite the intellect; "Al make my own mind up on whats the proper truth. The main truth for me is val didnt like not being consulted. B clark didnt like others going against him. Both have been heavy in the media. That for me says enough." Not sure who Al is.....
  9. There's a special kind of stoopid around us. Found this on twitter, by Marty G; 1st real mistake the Board at Raith have made in years. Yet are getting hounded out! They deserve a chance to fix this. If they dont try then let the firing squad attack, until then give them peace to make a plan 1/2 everyone listening to a sponsor who went huffy cause she wasnt consulted and rightly wasnt & a board member who walked out before when other members went against his view. Huffyness in droves. 2/2 The longer the silence endures, the more airtime clowns like this get. Sort it out RRFC.
  10. And all this latest feverish speculation only proves once more, as if it needed proving right enough, that we need clarity and communication from the club very quickly.
  11. This. From the black and white perspective of some along the road to the multifarious takes from our own support, the only thing that's clear is that no-one really knows with certainty anything of any meaning or value. The club needs to be talking about this, and pronto.
  12. You do realise not everyone was clapping the mgt duo? There were a significant number of boos ringing round, and they timed it well - to emerge just as the team came out, so it all kind of blended. Had they done the usual I suspect it would have been more pronounced. I know your team plays in black and white but life isn't like that. It's all about the grey.
  13. You're in the same row as me then. She's always quite animated but I thought she was gonna burst a pudden.
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