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Brashy's Boots

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Everything posted by Brashy's Boots

  1. Get a mahoosive telly into Stark's and place it behind the home end goal. Fiver or something to get in, pies on sale, club shop open, 50 50 draw etc. Weegie minks.
  2. Except we communicated it via social media channels, then quickly removed it, thereby immediately making an arse of our communication again.
  3. Doris is never going to last 90 mins is he?
  4. Precisely why we have a fans rep and further, a Supporters Liaison Officer. This is squarely their territory and we should be seeing engagement of some sort. Alas, no.
  5. Disagree. I'm sure certain sections of the support will be rehearsing that old favourite, "Sack the Board," for its relaunch in a week or two if this doesn't play out satisfactorily.
  6. A fantastic coach? Are you mental? A HUGE part of the role is people management. Hughes demonstrated on tv that his people skills could easily be eclipsed by those of a phone box, and that's before we consider the post match dressing room confrontation which saw an ex goalkeeper almost skelp his big desperate dan jaw.
  7. You'd never have sold him on those terms. Not in a thousand years.
  8. Not sure why we can't have a club statement if Tait is NOT leaving. "Following speculation in the media regarding Dylan Tait we can confirm he is and remains a Raith player," type thing.
  9. Do the hashtags on the Coulson birthday post mean he's being recalled or is that just branding? #timetocomehome #backststarks
  10. You can't count Mitchell, Coulson or Mahady as Championship level options. They're barely out of school and two of them in L2 for a reason - not ready yet. Arnott is a bit part player at the moment, gaining experience, and whilst he has impressed, he's some way off being a reliable starter. Even Varian remains unproven, although he at least has some level of achievement behind him, albeit elsewhere. JMcG can't rapidly advance the others' development in such a competitive league as the Championship, so there's a difference between bodies and viable options. Keatings is a different proposition. He's clearly not fancied by the management team, so now is the time to get the finger out and show what he's got left. I'd love to be wrong but I don't think it's much.
  11. I don't think we will. For whatever reason I'm not sure JMcG rates him now. His limited sub appearances, and being overlooked in favour of others from the bench suggest he is no more than a squad player. Perhaps LVs absence forces JMcG hand. We'll see.
  12. I'm looking forward to Grant's post match interview. He's less than capable of not saying "more than capable" multiple times to camera and talks only in cliches from start to finish. He clearly has no idea what's going on or how to fix it - the parallels to our horror Gary F Locke experience are alarming.
  13. The good news story, and it IS good news, is on the OS - Jamie McDonald contract extension. Just waiting on the downer. As Renton says in Trainspotting, "Its in the post."
  14. There are several club representatives on here, in various guises, so if it was nonsense I'd hope one of them might have said so. They haven't. It's probably true. I'm away to sit on the ramp with a lit candle.
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