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Brashy's Boots

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Everything posted by Brashy's Boots

  1. Brown laughing at Halliday has been my highlight of the half. Classic WUM.
  2. All very positive. He's one of the best loans we've had, I think, and surely has a bright future.
  3. Lokotsch should have impressed tonight. He didn't. How many times did we give away possession needlessly, be it misplaced pass or just being caught or slipping on that dodgy pitch? Final ball woeful and Armstrong not nearly as good as he thinks he is. Still, another point against a solid Championship side and at a ground where we're not exactly famous for wins. Happy enough with the point but with some better play in final third and a better final ball it might have been a better outcome.
  4. In your long winter nights, tossing and turning, trying to find a dry spot on a tear stained pillow, do you ever wonder why no-one voted for East Fife to be promoted and chose Raith Rovers instead?
  5. Not much between the two then, and disappointing as it was to lose the lead, we must remember the Pars have a well established presence in this league and some players I'd have in a Rovers jersey any time. Decent.
  6. Tsl, tsk, the reading and comprehension thing proven again. I didn't say unable. I said least well positioned. Of course you can comment. You always do. Predictably.
  7. Reading and comprehension never really were your strong points Grant. I never said it was only Pars fans complaining, indeed I acknowledged in the same few lines that the club's position on the issue was wrong. The reference particular to Pars fans complaints relates to their "principled" whining whilst many in the same breath boast they will instead watch streams which are not strictly legal. And this from supporters least well positioned to assume moral high ground over any other fans on money matters. Hence, beyond parody. Did you pass English at school or are you still being taught?
  8. Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeezus, can we move on? We get it . It's not a good look and hasn't been explained, but the moralistic knicker wringing from the Pars fans is beyond parody. For now, it what it is. Tumilty, Musonda (3), Ross, Armstong, Murray (og) 7 - 2 Hunchback, Murray
  9. This. Me and a mate used to get a steak pie and a wedge of apple pie from there before travelling to away games on the bus.
  10. Mc Manus is a hunchbacked thug. With a shocking hairdon't.
  11. Jesuschristalmighty, someone close this thread already.
  12. Boy, do you and your stripy chums need some new patter.
  13. Saw that too. Classic. Did we win 1-0 with a goal from Ian Thomson?
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