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Everything posted by kennysmassiveego

  1. Don’t forget £2.50 travelling expenses to get to the college every week
  2. I apologise unreservedly sjc . I did indeed get a good few employees from the YTS
  3. Can the Dundee fans bring John Flemings response to them at the weekend please ? I need cheering up after Saturday
  4. I’m sure if jabba et al ask nicely my manager SSC will give them a few pointers on how to handle this question .
  5. The girlfriend asked me what I was doing on the computer I said “ looking for cheap flights” At that she got very excited , said “I love you” and dropped to her knees and gave me the best blow job ive ever had This surprised me as she’s never been interested in darts before
  6. A 93 year old man is sat on the kerb crying A passerby asks “ what’s up ?” The old man moans “ Im 93 married to a 23 year old Swedish swim wear model who wants sex twice before breakfast , once again at lunch , once before tea and sucks me off just before bedtime “ Passerby says “ what’s your problem ?” The old man says “ I can’t f**king remember where I live !! “
  7. Tbf to get a job in journalism nowadays is the equivalent of a YTS scheme in the 80’s
  8. Kevin being a bit of a dick here , probably on the instructions of an editor , who has asked him to write a controversial piece between the nations league matches . An Observer columnist writing for the Guardian in a look at me moment imo
  9. Any team with a plastic carpet should just give Celtic and sevco the points type article
  10. Mr McLeish better not check his inbox anytime soon I’m off to kickback with a box of popcorn and ice cream
  11. My take on this is that BT have spunked there load on champions league in the hope that this would increase dramatically the uptake on there other broadcasts and its failed . Leaving Sky to bid what they want hence the underwhelming offer , although a 50% increase is not too bad IMO
  12. What a f**cking stonking club we support . I feel a bit sorry for all other fans tbh
  13. Dog shite and a garden hose on full through the letterbox works a treat *, or so I was told. * proviso ....you need access to a dog and an outside tap and the commensurate length of hose
  14. My point being imo every player knew exactly the benefits to them of EBT’s and just pretended not to know the ramifications when asked further down the line . As they came from another club who presumably were paying them legally they didn’t question or it wasn’t explained to them how this new system worked ? My sarcastic example highlights the disingenuous of those involved .
  15. My limited understanding of how EBT’ s are beneficial to the recipient means that the recipient gets deferred payments sometime down the road from the trust . These “ payments “ make up the majority of the “wage “ so I refuse to believe anyone who benefited from these didn’t know about it . Agent to player “ I’ve got you £500k a year son “ Player “ that’s great , how much will I get a week in my pay packet ?” Agent “ £1000 “ Billy “ OK that sounds good to me “
  16. Why not put the Messiah that is obviously Billy Dodds on a monthly contract and bonus’s tied to results ? If he’s still not improved things after Xmas get rid
  17. Stop letting facts get in the way of a masterful piece of journalism ffs
  18. Easy mistake for you to make tbf They are the models supplied by Ayrshire Schoolwear , taps aff lad models the new dancewear collection every year
  19. He’ll be OK next week when he’s got a decent manager who knows how and where to play him
  20. I was at the gym last night when I noticed a hole in my trainer , just big enough to get my finger in Anyway she’s made a formal complaint and I’m now banned for life
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