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Everything posted by kennysmassiveego

  1. My bad I should have had the foresight to say illegally bought but most neutrals already knew that tbf . ( for a definition of illegal see HMRC )
  2. Peter can’t afford to upset the loony fringe after not backing Rodgers with money for transfers. Like the cousins across the Clyde strong condemnation is all they’re able to muster
  3. Whereas all neutral observers recognise that at the very least 3/4/5/6 of the old rangers titles were worthless as they were bought
  4. Don’t think he agreed years ago he would come and manage them unless you can prove otherwise
  5. One good thing about Rodgers walking away is that the orcs now genuinely think they have a chance of a double now delusional doesn’t cover it
  6. Didn’t Leicester make it to the 1/4 finals of the champions league in 2016 ? Something Celtic can only dream about recently Id say that’s a decent marker as to how good they are and they operate in a league with some of the financial giants in the game unlike Celtic . ‘Tactically it’s a step up for Rodgers
  7. Another good thing about this is that SSC will be relegated to the 3rd worst f*n*&n b*****d in Scottish football , behind Lenny and Slippy G
  8. To be even fairer the competition has been pants. ‘And when Celtic do come up against teams with good managers or similar resources he has struggled
  9. If only Martin ONeil wasn’t employed by a bigger club
  10. When I was a young boy in the 50’s my mum used to send me down to the corner shop with a quid and I’d come back with a bag of potatoes , 2 lb of sugar , 4 pints of milk , 1 lb of butter a box of tea , 4 loaves and 6 eggs ! ‘You can’t do that nowadays....to many f**king security cameras
  11. Thought I spotted the first English superhero earlier . Saw a scouser in Liverpool running down the road wearing a cape . Turned out the f**ker hadnt paid for his,haircut
  12. Of course she’s right. Until the SFA compliance officer reviews every minute of every game in the SPFL they cannot be called impartial or fair and as they’re skint they don’t have the personnel to do that every week . The easiest route is therefore to listen the Scottish media who’s agenda is well known
  13. Ah but will dumpster ask SSC for his opinion ? ‘She’s just jumping on his bandwagon , or is it Slippy G’s ? Mind that time ( for the avoidance of doubt the 1st game v Aberdeen ) he accused all of Scottish football having it in for sevco ? She’s a little late coming to the party or does it only count when something happens to your club ?
  14. Brenda thinks that the tactics he employs at Celtic Park against the rest of Scottish teams will also work in Europe , and as Barney Rubble states , he also thought this whilst at Liverpool . I also don’t agree with the argument that the Celtic fans demand that they go on the offensive at Celtic Park , they want success in Europe not kamikaze tactics , this IMO shows Brenda’s short comings and why he will never again manage at the very top level . My own team were relegated by a manager , Davie Sneddon a club legend , playing attacking football without the necessary defensive qualities and personnel to cope with that .
  15. Rock music was invented by Barney Rubble who was invented by Hanna Barberra who was named after her home town of Santa Barberra which was colonised by a dinghy load of Berbers in the 14 th century which came after the 13th century
  16. I loved the fact after he attempted to kick Broadfoot and only dealt him a glancing blow he fell on his arse and started to rub his leg , which he quickly stopped when he realised he was getting SFA
  17. Paddy called the RSPCA today and said “ I’ve just found a suitcase in the woods containing a fox and 4 Cubs “ “ that’s terrible “ the RSPCA officer responded “ are they moving “ “ I’m not sure “ Paddy says “ But that would explain the suitcase “
  18. Pygmies were discovered in Papua New Guinea after Dundee’s last cup win
  19. Tbf my mate works in a Ladbrokes and the posters ( if that’s what Joey is taliking about ) are sent from HQ and there is no way to change this . He says he did at one time have nearly every team in the UK on a piece of card , so could alter the display but they have become lost or destroyed over the years
  20. Fat boy Cowans taste in music and jokes is targeted at what he perceives is his type of audience . He has no intention of “bringing it up to date “ hence his disdain for any social media output
  21. A gay man sits next to a scouser in a bar,the gay guy takes a shine to him and tries his luck and asks him if he wants a blow job , the scouser knocks him out cold The barman says “ what did he say ?” The scouser says “f**k knows .......something about a job “
  22. My son got kicked out of school today for letting a girl in his class w**k him off !! I said “son that’s 3 schools this year , maybe teaching isn’t for you “
  23. I’m sick to death of people knocking my door looking for donations . Just had one woman from the sperm bank.... Boy did I give her a mouthful !!
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