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Everything posted by kennysmassiveego

  1. I’m betting that in 6/9/12 months time and Ludo retitles this thread to Your manager as a manager the no 1 spot will be scouser free
  2. Didn’t sir Alex Ferguson not have his pro licence when he 1st went into Europe ? Thought I read that somewhere
  3. ^^^ would have been better made into a limerick , but since it’s the silly season I’ll give it 2/10
  4. Would give Templeton a 1 year contract with MJ levels of add ons re injuries, games played etc that may trigger any extension clauses
  5. Can I have Ian Rush’s son ( if he’s got one ) for the stellar signing please
  6. If Hibs meet Sevco at ibrokes on the 1st game of the season on a Sunday I’m going to have to adjust my opinion of Ibrox Loyal tbf he could be the next Nostradamus
  7. Fear not there will be another statement soon when there 15th and last “world class “ player target says, like all the others , i’d rather stay with Burkina Faso Utd thanks very much Stevie
  8. Puts a different slant on the phrase “ ripping the head aff it “
  9. I wa in the bank yesterday and saw an Asian lady who was a little bit irritated with the cashier when trying to convert her yen into pounds She said “ I was in yesterday an I get 2 hunna yen to the pound , now you say today I only get one hunna and eighty , why ?” The cashier said “ fluctuations “ ‘She replied “ fluc you white people too “
  10. Will the BBC still be banned from iPox ? ‘Surely super Stevie G will bring his new broom with him ?
  11. Tbf to Forest he has tried to assemble some sort of defence of sevco unlike Murty with the team
  12. I’ve set up a new bookmaker site in response to the absolutely terrible assault on the sevco fans . It for WATP fans only it’s called BILLYPOWER and operates under licence from HRH Elizabeth the 2nd We don’t accept bets on the following criteria :- 1) All catholic sounding teams Celtic Hibernian and any team with “city “ after it because that means there is a cathedral their 2) Any team that plays in green , see above plus Yeovil Town etc also if any teams goalie plays in green 3) Any team that that sounds like any player that once played for Celtic ie Sutton Utd , Harts(on) , and for our international punters we won’t accept bets on Carson City FC 4) goals scored from crosses obviously 5) goals scored from corners as they have the same letters as crosses plus the letter N which is big part of f*n**n 6) goals scored from penalties after the penalties unfairly placed upon the Queens XI 7) goals scored by any players with forenames like Sean , Brendan, Patrick , Eamonn or surnames like Murphy , O’boyle O’Flaherty etc this list will be updated with input from all lodges and supporters clubs daily 8 ) any goals scored by players from catholic countries ie Italy Spain France Portugal etc we do however accept bets from staunch countries like Germany Holland and the Scandinavian peninsula All profits from this enterprise will go towards Stevie G’s war chest Remember sevco fans WHEN THE FUN STOPS STOP which for you was 31st October 2012
  13. The 3rd choice is also very apt wrt sevco ......you can have your cake decorate it AND eat it
  14. It’s quite possible that the Daily Ranger made it up but it’s also quite possible that it did happen this way . It was the MO of the old club who quite rightly thought they were a big one . The present incarnation certainly aren’t as can be seen from their actions on and off the pitch and it’s this that keeps adding so gloriously to the banter years .
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