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Everything posted by kennysmassiveego

  1. Oh Josh .... You really should run your thoughts and ideas past your advisor or wait until he comes out of school at 3pm
  2. In this debate we are making the assumption that Lockinho knows what he's doing.
  3. How come KFC can't get a match report on yesterday's game out on the web today but our opponents could ?
  4. This debate about McCulloch is amusing . He's a Killie player now , a controversial one , but I can remember a few in my time that merited more comment . The ex drug addict McLaren didn't turn out too bad an acquisition , Williamson took a punt on him . McCoist and Durrant were coming to us to pad out their pension , they didn't turn out too bad either. All we should ask is that he does his best for us and enjoy the de criers anguish at our foley should he bring something to the table
  5. The new mascot and its creator doesn't in any way play on the stereotypical view of thistle fans IMO
  6. Cammy Bell may be looking for a new club after the zombies put his windows in and harangue his wife and kids at Lidl
  7. To be a Killie fan pessimism is a default position. This year it's more warranted than usual as Locke hasn't shown us anything to inspire us with confidence. We might be proved wrong and I hope we are .as we were with Mixus appointment . If Locke can get this mix of journeymen and youths to keep us clear of the bottom 4 then unfortunately we must see that as progress. When Manns master plan kicks in we will all be watching attractive flowing football , just hold onto that thought
  8. When you say "players" was it a minority or quite a few ? I'm sure the fans would forgive a stern manager if the team delivered on the park , which Shiels undoubtedly did . His sacking if you are right would not have been opposed by the players and could have been encouraged ? If that is so then surely our Machiavellian chairman would have used that in his interviews with the press? I don't recall this happening But if it did then our " board as it was then" we're weaker than we thought. I wouldn't have Kenny back as manager but would welcome his talent for bringing on youngsters but we already have Alan Robertson who is doing a good job so there is no position for him at the moment.
  9. Locke is like Brown a decent number 2 never a manager. Good guy organising a lads night out but shit when the hard decisions need to be taken . Too close to the players IMO . The Shiels supporters have a point though he could man manage the dressing room unlike any of his successors and get the best out of a similarly talented bunch of players to those that we have now.. Waddell I was told was an aloof character who let Walter take the training.
  10. I might even try to get a ticket as a neutral to the final . Would not even dream of doing so if the bigots were involved
  11. lets hope that MJ has got some clauses that we can exploit . I am with Criagkillie in that its ludicrous to give him such a long contract for an unproven manager.We can judge him better when we peruse his summer signings , but I am not giving him credit for Boyd if he returns
  12. Almost certainly not Killie for the top 6 and if we did it would take a Hisbesque collapse in form from Hamilton or Dundee. Its come to something when mid table mediocrity is seen as an improvement, but the memories of last season have left a stain on my y fronts (insert manky bassa joke here)
  13. Hartley has only to lose 2 more teeth to be accepted as cellic minded enough
  14. I knew Celtic picked the wrong sister as manager... Should have chosen Roxy not Ronnie
  15. Don't you just love it when a plan works ? Eh Ronnie Two scummy teams defeated on the same night by the same score line .......superb
  16. Well done the tractor boys always knew you would do it enjoy your night and coming days
  17. ^^^^ this Our Fleeting inspired "21st century" lego kit has never stirred the same feelings. I was an enclosure boy ie the standing area in front of the main stand. It was a nursery area for the younger kids who when old enough would graduate to the big boys bit of the ground where the "real" crowds were
  18. Obviously his diabetes is unbalanced causing him to hypo and spout shite . Its a shame when that happens to old people
  19. Good luck the Hibees work it right up the portuguese numpty If Fenlon wants wind up tips get him to contact oor Kenny
  20. Dont worry Jefferies will punt the promising youngsters and fill your squad with big hasbeens, old pals, players that have followed him like shite round a turd and relatives. Dont expect ailky soccer from the old dinosaur
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