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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. Is this where you do a good job of refuting an argument I haven't made then slap yourself on the back for refuting it. How familiar.
  2. What Unison and the GMB are the same?? Huge, if true. Sit the f**k down if not.
  3. The one that supports weapons of mass destruction on the clyde, negotiated the pay deal that discriminated against women and stayed silent until Labour were finally turfed out of the GCC then suddenly decided to take action, donated 10's of thousands to Better Together, hates nationalism and the waving of flags (except for this one). If the GMB wanted to remove the political element from these discussions on workers rights, pay and conditions they could always stop giving money to the British Labour and Unionist party or doing photoshoots with has-been English Labour MPs.
  4. The difficulty all the current Tory MPs and potential Tory leaders have is that they were forced to swear blood fealty to Boris, just like Trump, or they'd have been thrown in the bin with Gauke, Grieve and so on. Condemnation of their BrexitKing is condemnation of themselves.
  5. Hmm, polls seem for once to be not too horrendous for Keith. Anyway, Alberto Costa MP just reminding us there that he is one of the leading snivelling little Jock-pet Tory shits we have the misfortune to have a say on how our country is run. While Pete Wishart somewhat optimistically reported the Tories to the Met run by Dame Cressida, just had her contract renewed despite all the mad shit she has done Dick.
  6. "We need to listen more to Scotland" And then go right on ignoring them after we've done all that listening. Lovely to see the "Labour can't win without Scotland" shite just rolled out as if its solid gold truth, so they can blame us for England electing the tories again. At some point it might be nice to have someone explain to Keith and to journalists in general that it is not Scotland's responsibility, nor is it in our interest to deliver England a Labour government it didn't vote for and which demonstrably couldn't give less of a f**k about what we might want.
  7. An interesting addendum to the Dennis Hutchings / Jonny Mercer "we must stop these vexatious claims against r brave Boyz" shite. MoD has settled 417 Iraq war compensation claims this year
  8. The way the Well lads are talking up their midfield I'm really not feeling confident here.....
  9. As opposed to using the miracle of language and google to show what you had said was incorrect or dishonest or just yet more made up shite. You choose which, while continuing to falsely claim that passports are designed to reduce transmission.
  10. I listened to a podcast this week which got someone's wife who is Swedish to pronounce Greta's name properly. And I can tell you naebody is doing right.
  11. Well no, in so far as I am quite clearly and comprehensively refuting a point made in the post I am quoting.
  12. A fascinating if typically dishonest way to concede the point on transmission but that is at least consistent with your deliberate misinterpretation of the Deputy First Ministers statement: " it is “impossible to segment” data on coronavirus to determine whether it is working, but he believes it is “delivering a positive benefit to the suppression of the virus.” Now whether you believe that to be true or not it certainly isn't true that he "claimed they're not fuelling vaccine uptake" But please accept this disembodied head of Phil Mickleson with bonus thumbs up as a very special reward for your very impressive trying.
  13. "Just deal with it and accept it" isn't an argument for or against anything far less vaccine passports which have never been claimed to reduce transmission. But thank you for bravely fighting for some playschool notion of freedom. You hero.
  14. It's no surprise with such a large support that the SNP has had a few c***s voting for them. And I tend to agree with the Tory label being a little imperfect. It's far closer to the current chimera-like Conservative government born out of VoteLeave variously described as neo-liberal, contrarian, "move-fast and break the rules" selfish, egotistical, ideologically promiscuous and morally bankrupt. Perhaps Neo-Tory would work here. Neatly evidenced by the claim that washing your hands and covering your airholes in enclosed public spaces, mandated by democratically elected government during a public health crisis is "stealing a part of my freedom" (apologies for the emoji but I just can't read or type that out without sniggering or hearing that tune from Team America). Nice to see that bad Nicolas fReEdOm StEaLiNg is working tho.
  15. I see you haven't been swayed by his big techno-mug or soft focus photo-shoots the day before he announces poor kids will just have to eat sand. May I draw your attention to the fact he has a Labrador, which is sometimes allowed up on the couch, although that's a bit naughty . Or his fucking infuriating signature at the bottom of everything like he's Oprah b*****d Winfrey?
  16. "They're all the same as each other" definitely, definitely doesn't mean "don't look at or be annoyed about these very specific instances of clear impropriety/corruption that are being discussed just now." Nosireeeee
  17. He comes across as a guy who has been dribbling his wife's death up and down the commons and the media and is in a huff that it wasn't enough.
  18. A country governed by levels of approbium from the Daily Mail and whether or not Peter Bones office was vandalised.
  19. Randox and Covid spending are good shouts here too. The concept of using whistle blower protections to cover lobbying for BUSINESS HELPING BRITAIN TO SAVE LIVES shouldn't be overlooked.
  20. Would be nice to imagine the parliamentary arithmetic would allow the opposition to repay the favour one day but, this seems unlikely.
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