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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. For those desperate to know the final score, UAE were 108 all out. Scotland qualify for the T20 World Cup finals.
  2. TV news, even on the BBC, has turned into a series of human interest stories. It used to be that they'd report a war, give an overview of the causes and politics and state the number of dead - including how many Brits were involved. Nowadays they send a couple of reporters in to speak to the relatives of those dead. 'Gotta make it real for the viewers.'
  3. 8 for Tuesday. Kings & presidents again. ETA: Added the link again for everyone else who didn't read to the end of Eednud's one-line post.
  4. They don't know who they're playing, let alone the line-up.
  5. Well done, Celtic. Good old-fashioned Scottish comeback. Old-fashioned in that we don't see them very often these days.
  6. Wouldn't want to be seen dead in Belgium.
  7. I didn't read the quote. The quote that gave a clue to the earliest date. And I guessed something like 14 years before that.
  8. So Rangers fans weren't up to their knees while the Offensive Behaviour Act was in force?
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