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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. I don't want to tempt fate but Rangers' vaunted front line is misfiring tonight. And they look fragile at the back. Their midfield's OK, though.
  2. Morelos isn't at the races tonight, is he? Should have thrown himself at that cross.
  3. He's got the personality of an angry boil that's coming to a head.
  4. I'm ashamed of myself for being so puerile and bitchy but I've submitted the following complaint to the Beeb
  5. Did anyone say we could? I haven't looked at the rest of the thread but so what if we can't? Only Iceland is close to 100%. Scotland continues to be a net exporter of energy - roughly 30% exported in 2015 and I suspect that's increased by now.
  6. And, again, Glenanover red dots your answer because he doesn't like it.
  7. This thread is FULL of independence voters answering questions. Maybe not just answers you agree with.
  8. To be fair, was it not just our domestic consumption that was covered twice over? I don't think industrial consumption was included.
  9. If they get knocked out tomorrow and go bust as a result of the lost income, they'll not need to bother about boycotting the 'next European away match'.
  10. We might not need an independence referendum - the gammon might kick us out.
  11. One of the bloggers has the Glazers buying Desmond's shares. Might have been better if he'd said it was Big Mike buying the shares.
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