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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Sounds like a done deal. Just waiting for the official announcement now.
  2. As long as someone's prepared to buy the 'Club' and its assets. I'd chip in a fiver.
  3. Do keep up. The Chinese club agreed he was worth the £15M Rangers asked for but decided not to bid - and then Morelos turned down the non-existent bid.
  4. Set deflector shields to full. This club have just paid £10M for two centre-forwards. Can't see them paying £15M for a third, especially when China has a 100% tax on foreign signings. The Transfermarkt website shows the club's total value is around £12M.
  5. Hummel might be after them too. This could get serious. Where's Whyte with his pre-pack admin when they need him?
  6. It seems they'll have to pay Ashley's legal fees of £450K by 16th August. And then there's the matter of damages. Morelos off for a million?
  7. Is he not talking about the Irish cricket team?
  8. Reckon he's crossed the river. Had his chips. Folded.
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