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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. The time has come, the Cardinal said, to talk of many things. But NOT books. 8 for Tuesday. Mugabe and quarks wrong.
  2. So the ideal solution is for every Orange Walk to go up Ben Nevis. Well I suppose it is close to Fort William. And never come down?
  3. The Federal Cpurt should just read ICTChris's post. That would sort things out.
  4. 7 for Wednesday. I thought I knew English Tudor history - apparently I don't. I wouldn't claim to know anything about Pixar films or X-Men.
  5. Very uncommon for these parts. In answer to previous post, I love watching swallows fly about like fighter jets...my local park is full of them....I also love watching swifts but not so keen on the racket they make. I thought it was just a crow.
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