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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. I suppose that's what unions are all about. Both parties have to agree on anything and, if they can't agree about something critically important, they dissolve that union. Still, assuming the CoS finds as expected, I can't wait to hear how Boris phrases his 'f**k off'. Could be a seminal moment.
  2. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/49304106 When he says 'unplayable', does he mean 'not available for selection'?
  3. Got to love that home fan on Sportsound's coverage. Bet he's swearing his head off in Danish.
  4. Imagine being such animals that you need a zoo-keeper to keep you in check.
  5. 9 for Tuesday. Getting that extra point would have meant watching American Football - which would have been too steep a price to pay.
  6. Your Honour, I was positive it was plate glass and that my brick wouldn't go straight through it.
  7. Surely they could see it was only there to keep the rain off? It wasn't some sturdy monkey climbing frame.
  8. Will Stevie G be applying to join the 84-minute league now?
  9. Nah, that would never work, would it? Has anyone ever tried this before? 'Joking' aside, it's a possibility. The new holding company would need to bid for the assets of the club at a reasonable rate this time - none of this 'Ibrox and Murray park are only worth £5.5M' rubbish. The 2018 accounts valued the pair at roughly £50M. If they tried to secure them for less than, say, £20M in a Craig Whyte-style pre pack administration, I think some directors might be speaking to the Fraud Squad.
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