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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. 4 for Tuesday. Knew one for sure (Normandy) and guessed 3 out of the remaining 9. Thinking about putting myself into administration.
  2. If you'd finished that last sentence with a single full-stop, we might have thought you were developing a healthy degree of cynicism - or realism. But the ellipsis just confirms what we already know - you're as gullible as the rest.
  3. I suspect he does as well, or rather this NOAL trust does. But I'll bet this trust gets all kind of tax breaks precisely because it is a trust. So I wonder what happens when the relevant authorities become aware that he's using it as his personal piggy-bank, bypassing the trustees.
  4. That's not a decision anyone will have to make, Gaz. The increased penalty for a second admin event only applies if it happens within 5 years of the first. So, they were 'safe' as of last year. In any case, it'll be the holding vehicle that goes bust, not the ethereal club. The club will sail blithely on forever, racking up trophies won via the debts shed by a succession of parent companies. And they'll probably win those trophies playing out of an SFA-owned Hampden for which The The The... Rangers will pay a peppercorn rent. Of course, the argument will be that we could all do the same if we had hard enough necks. </tinfoilhat> Might edit this after the hangover goes.
  5. Converting from HEX to ASCII is relatively straightforward but remembering what colours the RGB values stand for??? Who the hell has to use that these days?
  6. You can't quit, mate. You're an icon, a beacon, a last resort for low-scorers everywhere. When things get really bad for the rest of us and we're scoring one or two points for a couple of days on the trot, we can console ourselves with the thought that 'at least I didn't Swarley it'.
  7. 6 for Thursday. A couple of process-of-elimination answers but the majority were guesses. I think I'm developing early-onset thingummyjig.
  8. Knew 4 and guessed the album right for a middling 5 for Wednesday. I like the suggestion of an amnesty for this week...
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