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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. I've often felt the same in Perth.
  2. 6 for Wednesday. A bit of a pattern developing here. Stupidly changed my mind on the square and can't believe I got the World Cup question wrong.
  3. I wonder if it's the wifi guys seeking to ring-fence their money again. Rangers can hardly argue that they're not in danger of insolvency this time round, not after the Takeover Panel decision and the Close Brothers having ring-fenced half their assets. http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/14207489.Rangers_win_fight_to_stop___300_000_arrestment_of_funds_by_WiFi_firm_over_fears_of_club_insolvency/
  4. An early start for Wednesday's quiz. 9 (nine) out of 10!! Got the Australian politics question wrong but guessed the sports and Margot Robbie questions right. Which was nice.
  5. I think they're tracking the high number of Scots by our IP addresses and sticking more Aussie questions in to annoy us.
  6. I was just going to post about this. What's that all about?
  7. Scored 7 for Friday. Got off to an awful start with two Aussie questions on the trot but things picked up from there.
  8. You've not been following the goings-on at Ibrox, have you?
  9. 5 for Thursday. Knew Chile and Lennon, guessed 3 out of the remaining 8. I think I'm getting stupider as the seasons go on.
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